Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

72 Chap.6. AConmextorrie vfmn common honeflie, and that he may teflifie what 'he approt. ueth,and what hedilhketh. Lafily, he giueth good fuccefTein interprifes,and attempts,according tohis owne decree,and the order ofdiuine prouidence: which metaphorically is calleci reward,Ezek. 29. v. r 9. so. becaufe it bath a fimilitude then- unto, as when wicked men through ignorance, doe that wick- edly,whichhe hath iuftly decreed (hall come to paflefufferitig them to fill their houles with the fpoyle of the poore , which I they haue for their work, as a man bath wages for his honeft I labour. Thus the fpoyleofIudea, is called the hire or reward I() giuen to Tiglath-Pelaffar for his Syrian vvarre. lfay 7. 20. and thus the fpoyleofEgypt,is laid tobe wages giuen Nliebuch donofar, for his femme againft Tyrus. ----- i. Further, let vs hereobferue thedifferent manner of fpeecl which the Apoftle vfeth , in fpeakingof the flefh and of this fpirit. Orthe former he faith , He that 'meth tohit fleih,e4vc.0j the latter, He thatforveth to tbefpirit,not tohitfpirit, by which it fignified,that what good fo euer a man doth in !acting bench. 11 ciall to the mini flery , in furthering theGolpel , &c. he cloth i not byanygoodnes that is in himfelfe, but by the 1pirit °fetid! who incurry goodmotionworkes in vs thewill, and in cutry---' good aEtion,thedeed. Philip. 2. r 3. therefore no man ought to flatter hirrifelfe in this refpe&,.orto think highly ofhimfelfe, as though hehad attained an extraordinarymeafure of faneti- fication,either for affeaing,or cfreaingany thing that is good; 21 fccing, wiratroeuergood thing is invs, is the gift of God, as Et Priauflus ferome faith.On thecontrary, what cuill bonier aman doth ,he 'iD3ehildnocniaml"Lumil. doth it ofhimfelfe, God beeingneither the author, the futthe- aRarcunque rer, nor the abetter thereof. booa fora. Againe, we hence !came that all vneegencrate perlons ,.arc 3° 'lowers to the flea), becaufe that before their conuerfion they do nothing but thofe things that are pleating to the Heal : fo . that dying in that eflate, they can reapenothing but corrupti- on : thereTore it hence follovveth that PhiloloPhers ,heathen, and all meere 601. and natural! men, being fuch as neuerfow- 3i ed to the fpirit, fhall reape nothing but corruption , death, and , condemnation, contrary totheopinion of Come ancient, and modernewriters. estersinreligion, iukwtn _are gorpellers , halting between Further, obferue here, that though there be fame that are N two