r-- ---- _ the Epifi1e to the Gdawns, Chap.6. 573 two opinions, fuch as are neither fi(h nor flefh ; yet in ertarall duties,there arcnoNeuters, nor mediators: for all men are ran- i Qed into one of thefe two ranks ,either they are Powers to the ticth, or to the spirit. Here alto We fee whoare true worldlings indiede; to wit, 0b103,, frech.u,, andearthly thisgs,in (pending themtclues,theirfir egth, jand witts,vpon the world , hauing all their care for it, and all their comfort in it: in the meane time,hauing little or no tall of the loves ofthe world to come ,becaufe they make their Para- ,o ' difqhcrevpon earth, and newer loocc forany beaten after this life. As allo who are fpirituall men , namely, fuch as walke in the fpirit,who though they hue in the world, in thefehomes of day, yet arc not ofthe world, becaufe they fit not their affecti- ons vpon it , but haue their conuerfation in heauen, `where ;i j . Chrilt fitteth at Gods right hand. This ferues ftrfi ofall, to difcouer veto vs our owne eflate, whether we be indeede carnall,or fpiritsall:forifwe low to the le(h, that is, be alway poring,and digging in the earth with the mole, fitting our affations vpon it , not referring theWettings 1:0 ofGod,tohis glorie,and the furtherance oftheGofpel, but to time our own corrupt dcfires: we are flcthlymindcd,(though we pretend this, and that,and proteft neuer fomuch)and con- tinning in this cflate,we canexpel nothing but the haruefi of death and condemnation. Whereas on the contrarie fide, ifwe s5 fauour the things ofthe fpirit, by letting our affdtions vpon them, and Peeking thole things that are above, eftfoones lifting vp ourheartsby ferret groanes and ejaculations,for the enioy- ing of them, we are fpirituall men, and (hall undoubtedly in due time reape the harueft ofcternall life. 30 Secondly, thisi ewraies the paucitieoffpirituall men men where the -Gofpel is profeiTed : and how the world (warmes with multitudes of carnal!, andflefhlymindedmen, For as in former times before the flood,tbeyate, theydranke, they dought, Luk.t.74 . theyfold,theyplant,d,rhey built, that is, whollyaddiffed and de- 45 note+themfelues to thefe things : Soin thefè latter daies(tr hick our Sauiour Chrifi prophecied thank! be a counrerpaine of : the for.rner)the multitude generally in ruery place doe wholly employ andfpend thentfelucs, in thinking.in ;freeing , in tal- 1 king, inffeekin, in followingofworldlythinas,leldotaie(God knowes)or neuer minding the kingdom{ofGod, or thesigh. trcufnes PPPP a