574 Chap.6. l COoo rentarie.vpon teoufnes thereof, norpraelifing the A : potties-rule ,fe t.vfe the worldas though theyvfed itnot. t .Cor.7..3. t. Againe, here we fee how thewifdome of God is counted- follic,amongworldly wife men : and how the wifdeme of the world is foohfhnes beforeGod. For if aman low to the fpirit,I, in not followingblind reafon,nor corrupted affcftion,nor fa fhioning himfelfe to the guile of the world , nor reekinghis owne good fo much as thegood of others , butdenying him- fèlfc,forfaking ali(inhis affe1ion)fortheGape' ofChrnfl,and ;contemning this temporal trafh,in regardof the heauenly teta- gQ rune; he is accounted in the world but afoolc:whereas God ac- counts him truly. wile : for he is the wife merchant manwho hawingfo.ndapearleofgreatprice, went andfoldall that he had Landbought.it. Math. t 3.46. For the le(Fe he laieth vp for him- Celle vpon earth, the more he treafureth vp for himfelfeinhea- t uen : and though he kettle tofowe vponthe watcrs,yet after many daies he fhail finde it againe. Whereas they that miede nothing but the world, in lowing to the fiefh,are reputed wife and prouident men: when as Godaccounts them (larksfooles: Thots Foole, this night /hall theyfetchaway thyfoule,andthiwhofel 2o Lwlc.ìz io,s f allthofe things bewhich thou. haft provided ? and then it follow. eth,Se is he that gatherethrichestohimfelfe,and is not rich in God. For the more they treafure vp riches, the more they treafure vp tothemfelues wrath again(' the dayof wrath.Rom.a. Sand fatte themfelues againft thedayofflaughter.lam.5.5. ß23 Lally, we arehere warned to take heede oftheDeuilh fo- phi(lrie. It is anotable policie, one of the cunningea firata- gemes the Deuill hath , ingood things commanded, to feuer the meanes from the ende : and in euill things forbidden,to fc- uer the ende from themeanes. He laboureth to feuer themeans :3tr from the ende, by perfwading a man that he may come toThe ende though he neuervfe the meanes, that he may reape eter- nall life,thoughhe neuer fow the feedes of the (pint in this life. But we muff know, thatas he which runncth not at all,can ne- uer gainethe garland : hewhich laboureth not in thevinyard,,;.$ the labourers wages : he that neuer fowcs, can neuer reape. So he that runneth not in the race ofChrnflianitie, Thal! neuer at- taine the crowne of happines andfchcitic hethat laboureth not in the Lordsvineyard, therecompence of reward : he tha' I'm this lifeloweth not to- the fpirit : fhail neuerafter this-iife1 reape