ebe Ep k to the Galatiaat Chap.6. reape life cuerlafting. For we maynot dreame ofa goodbar- ueft, without a good feede time, of(owing nothing to reape fomething , or lowing taresto reape wheate. Againe , he feue reth the end from the meanes , by perfwadingmen that they, 3 ; may vfe themcancs and neuer come to-the end , that though they low to the flefh, yet they fhall net reapecorruption.Thus he perfwaded Eue, that though thee did cateof the forbidden fruit, yet fhee fhouldnot die the death, nay Thee fhould notbe t.o atall,but her eyes fhould be opened, and the fhould be as God himfelfe, knowing goodand cuill. But we arc to beundoub- tedly refoluedofthis,that Godbath linked with anyron chain, thepleafureofGene, and the punithment thereof: that as he that followsa riucr, muffneedcs at length come to the Sca: fo :15 he that follower the courfe and Dream of his finnes, mutt needes come at the length to the guile ofeternal! dettrueti- on. 30 9 Let vsnot therefore be wearie of well doing: for in due feafonwe (hallreape, ifwe faint not. In thefe words , theApoflleexpounds the fift generali rule 25 appertaining to all forts of men: and in it he afcendeth from the hypotheflr to the theftr,that is,flom theparticular, to thegeneral!, (hewing that we ought not to faint in anygood courfe, either indoing good tothem that labour amongft vs, andare ouer vs intheLord,and admenifh vs; nor yet in becing beneficial!vn. go to others. And this verledependeth vpon the former, (as the word thereforedoth implie)by way ofneceffarie illation, and confequence: for feting that they which continue in well do- ing, in (owing to the fpirit , (hall of the fpirit reape life euerla- fling,v.R. therefore nomanought to be wearie of well doing. 3 5 It confiftethof two parts : of a rule,or precept , in the former part of theverfe, Let vsnot thereforebewearie ofwell doing: and a reafon ofthe rule, or amotiue to incitevs to the performance thereof, in the latter part :for in chitfeafon rreJhall reape ifwe faint not. ln the rule,the Apofllc fpeakes that plainely,which in the former vertes he had deliuered more obfcurely: for here he expounds himfelfe,whathemeantby(owing to thefpirit, namc- FPPP 2 ly, 3