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Sys Chap.6. .gCettenevtáoie H dose ofgood, or (ask isht the next verfe) doting afgrodvnto all, which mayalto appeare by that which followeth, srelball reape, ifwe faint not, that is,-we fha11 reape the fruit of that whichwe hateTowne to the fpirit,.!Ewe faint not therefore to fòw to the fpirit is nothingels,but to doegood. New, by well doing, the Apoí le meaneth not onely the outward worke, whereby our neighbour is furthered, helped, relieved; but-the doing ofit allo in a goodmanner, and to a mood ender fo, as it may be a good worke indecde, not onely profitable toour neighbours, and comfortable to our felues, but acceptable to tg God. This is a molt nee(flàrie precept for molt men are. Toonewearie of a goad courfc , like to thefeGalatians, tcha6e- óanne in thefpirit, but beefingwearie ofthat walke,turned ofde, and madeanende in thefle./h.Ga1.3.3.LikeEphraim, and Judah, whole, oodnes rra.tad amorning elowd ,. andat the morning.dewe tg which vaxli;4,eth array. Hof 6.4. Thiswearifomnes in well do- ingbath leafed vpon the molt: evenvpon all drowle profcl- fours, (which are the greateft part,)as may appears by this , in that farne, if they be held but a quarter of anhouretoo long, or abe:ue their ordinarie time; arc extreamcly wearied hea, ata ringthe word. And asfor dunes of mercie,and liberalitie, put. tingvp iniurics,and tolerating wronas, they are rcadie to make air ende as Toone as they begins Ancras for Prayer and thankf. giuing; and other parts ofthe wotfhi p of God , moll men fay. in their hearts with the old Iewes , what profit it it that we krept. 21 . hie commandments, and thatwe walk', humbly before the Lordof bolr? Malach. 3. t4. nay they count it a »estrines s°nto them, and fxriffe thereat. Malach. r. rw3. Hence it is , that the Holy Ghofl is fo frequent in furringvs vp to the performance ofall good duties, with alacritie , and chearefulnes -, and fo often in 30 roufing vs from that drowfnes and deadnes , wherewith we are oucrwhehned. Luk. a 8.s. Our Saviour Chrifl propounds a parable to this extde>to teach vs, that we ought almaies to pray; andnot to tvaxefaint, Eph. 7.1 Z. f de/Ire(faith Paul)tbatye faint not at my tribulation!. 2. Theft 3. t 3. Andye, brethren, benet. 3y. 4 wearie inwelldoing. And-fo-in this place., Let sts-net therefere'te. wearie ofwell dons. Nowe the reafonswhich make men fo wearie ofwel doing,: arc ingenerall theft three:Firf,the flrength of the ffefh,which- euen in the regenerate is like the great. gyantGolrrh, incow:. parifoa