Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

ásELps/tidekeg,titJ,ftMi?r Crlap.Ó 1'77 ?parifon of poore Dauid.Secondfy, the weakenefle ofthe fpr- tit,and fpirituall graces.Tbirdly,the outwardoccurrences, and . impedimentsof this life . 1nfpeciall they be thefc.Firtl,mcnby natureare wolues one to another. Efayi t.v. 6.and fo they-con- y tinue,til this wo1uithn-flurc be mortified,and renued by grace, beeing fofarrefrom helping,furthering, releeuing, tollerating one another,or performing any other dutie of loue, that con, trarily, they are readie to bite,and dcuoure one anothcr.Úalas._ I 5,Secondly,oftentinies itcotnmeth topatre,that other mens -To coldneffe dothcook ourzealc,their batkctii'ardneffe, fiacketh our forwardneffe. Thirdly, many thinike it a. dsfgraceand dir parazetnent unto them, to ftoope fo !owe , as to become fee, uicelleunto their inferiosars.Fourthly, there are many things which difcourage vs fromwell doing , either the part!e is vn 15 know vntovs,as Dauid was. to'Naball(ffr which cautehe *sau » -s.. l n would not releiue him in his neceffi tie:)or tire feetneth :`m%or-I thy ofour helpe,being fuch as through riot,harlots,icwd corn, pany,hathbrought himfelfc tomiferie and beggerie. Or fuch l as reward vs mill for good,hatred for our good will :or fuch as _20 are querulous, alwaies complaining, though neuer fo well dealt withal!: all which make men cold in the duties of !cue,' Fiftly,fome therebe which faine dangers and toff perils,which . hinder them from dosing the good they fnould : Theflothf.a1 perroufaith,arlyonie in the »2ayi &c. Laflly,the manifold oaati'. 35 ons andaffaires ofthis life , doe fo dtflrafl the minde,as that a man is Toone wearicd;yea in the belt things. Bc1des,rnany fee noreafon why they thould fpend themfelues ,in doing'(,00d, untoothers. Now toall theft obllacles,andpa-backs, we are to oppofe' 3P the Apoffles precept, Let vsnet be wearieofwe11doing Forve- rely, if the confederation ofthefefmall occafions, and rubbes that lie in our way, daunt and difitsayvs, and fo lloppe our courfe,we (hall neuer be plentiful! in good workes: wemay happtyputour band to the plows, but a thoufand to one we Luk 9 4z. .3:5. {hail Tookebackeagaine:with Lots wife call a long looks to c«,?.:t. ward Sodom;and with the Ifraelites in our hearts turneagaine into Egypt. Foras /mike t obfersteth the wire e!hallnet fewwe,aud es be that regardeth the clemdes,/hall sewer reape. EccleC t 1.4.So he that regardeth the ingratitudeoffome, the cuill example of othersithemanifold diflraflians , and occurrences ofthis life;; P P P P _3_.- ---_- and