Fr: 578 Cliap.6. I Conotnentarie and (hall cal} peas in carnali voifdonie, ofthis, and that trou- .ble,or inconuenience,thatmay cnfue, (hall neuer dochis dutie as he ought. And afruredly,he that fainteth in a good courfe, and giueth it ouer before he come to the cnde, is like vnto the fl hf 11' ot u husbandinan,whohauing plowed and tilled,and in part ('owed' his ground,giucth oucr before he haue finilhed inane} fo,ei- ther the parching heate doth wither it, or thenipping c ld o e, do'th kill it,or the foules of the aire&name it. Now rpou men are ficke ofthis (Weak, which lbewes the to great=ofour corruptions , and that the heft Chriflians haue a, huge mitre or lumpe offinne in them , andbut a fparke of aracc,in that they are feldome or neuer weatie infcrapino to- gether ofriches,in following their pleafures, in purftung ho- tiours,and hunting after preferments:andyet are quickly wea- tie in duties ofpietie,iuflice,andmercie,albeit they haucan vz . fpeakable reward annexed vnto them. Well, whatfoeuer the corrupt pranifes ofmen be, let vs Ionic ourdutie, to goe forward without wearineffe,nay to do good with chearefulneffe , as Paul faith ofhirnfelfe , Philip. 2o 3 ,forgetting that which is behind,and incite:motoringhitoolelfe to that which is before. Let vs confider that it is the propertieofa mincle,todeuife ofliberal/ things ,and to continue his liberality, Eray.32.8. Neither isthis all , not to be wearie, or toperfift & continuc,but we muff proccede on from flrength to flrength, 25 and bringforthmorefrisite in ourage,Pra1.9 2. T the Church ofThiatynt , whofe workcs were more at the lail,then at the firfiforwhich thee is worthelypraifed byour Sauiour Chat, Reuel.2.19.1t was themoue ofCharles the lift, 'Plusultra, and 1 it ought to be euery Chrillias motto to flriue to perfetlit5,& as [ 30 the Aponte exhorts vs, To e .,.flea,4611q., inornotteable, and not to make flay there,but to beaboundwit alwaies in theworke of the Lord.r.Cor.t 5. 5 8.And that we may doe this inCleed,we :run (et this downe as acertaineconclufion,that we will not recoile, nor glue backe,come what will comeiandwithall we muff la- 3; bour to quicken our dull and clrowfie fpirits, to girde vp thej loynesofour mindes,to firengthen our makehands, and our feeble knees,bypublike and privatc exercifes of reading,prai- erimeditation,conference,&c. Thus much of the rule: nowe follovveth the reafon of the role,