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the EpifIle to the Galatians. Chap.ó< rule,ar the motiue to incouragevs to the performance of this dun cfor In doe feafónwe,4ia11reape,ifwefaint ifhc (bould fay more fully,thus,Letvs be afl-ured ofthis , that continuing and tncreatng in well doing,our labour isnotlof},nor fpent in vainc.I.Cor. t 5.58.for thoughwe imagine that we labour in vaìne,and (pendour fhength in vaine (as the Prophet (peak- eth)yet ow. womkr is with the Lord, and our labour with our God, Efay,49.4.And albeit we may kerne to our (clues and others tocaft awayour goods inbeeing beneftcialI unto fome, and(as o thewifeman fpeaketh)tofowe vpon the waters;yct aftermany dies wefhall,flnde themagaine,.Ecclef t t , 1. In the tnotiue there be three things contained. Firíl, the reafon it felfe , which isa promifeof rewardWe/hall re4De. Secondly , the circutrfiance oftime,when thishalve(' (hall be reaped,we (hall reape in due 5 fo4fan.Thirdly,the condition that is requiredon our parts, that we may reape,ifwefaint not. Of thsfe in order, and firft of the reafonor promife it felfe. Whereas the Apofiie to the ende we may not be weorte of agood courfe,doth encouragevs toproceed on, by lettingbe- 2O foreoureies the promifedreward., I gathcr,that wc may en- courage,animate,andexcite our felues to the performance of all good duties,by the conlideration of the heauenly haruefl: whichwe are toreape,and the crowne ofglorie we are to re- ceiue after this life;as the husbandman docth foNe in hope that 5 he (hail rcape:and though feed time be painefull and chargea- ble vetohim,yet hegiuethnot ouer for all that,but comforteth himfelfe withthe expeftationofthe haruch , which will fully quite hiscoft,and recompence his labour. That this is a truth, it may appeareby fundrie argtamentscbyprecept, bypronife,by 30 praflife,by reafó.Forpccept.It is the cámandernét ofChrifi we mould*sake vsfriendss ofvnrighteous mâ'non,or of the richesof iniquitie,that when we/hallwant,they ?nay receiraevsinto eutrla. fling Tabernacles,Luk. t6.9. Forpronifo,befides this place(which is verypregnant to the 35 purpofe)Paul exhorts feruants that whatfoener they doe , they wouldd2e it heartily,as to the Lord,andnet to naen,knewing that of the Lordthey/hallreceinre the rewardofinheritance. Coloff.3.2 3,. 24.Andgenerally what good thingfoener a roan doth thefame %hallhe reevine ofthe Lord,whether he be bondorfree . Eph.6.8.. Hethatforfakes,father andmother, -cfor Chrijitfake;Jhall re -ceint