r 58° : Chap.6. e../Conortentarievpor calvea roo.fildmore iv this lifeandin the world to come life ester- laf ing. Math.19.29. Thefe and the like protnifes weretono rpurpore,if it were not lawful' for vs to looke to theirrrecwrdo,8c afvvc might not by confiderina of it incite and felucs,to greater alacritie in the courfe ofChrifhanitie , in ma- king vs more fèrucnt and frequent in the duties ofpietie. Thirdly,it may be prooucd by thepr4arre ofthe faints of -Pod: ill,rabam was contented to forfake his natiue countric at the commaund oGod,and to dwell in a (range land,yea and that in tent s,6ecanfebelooktdfir a 6:tiehatene afaro:damn, la wbef boilder andnolker i, God,Ebr.t t .v.9.1o.Mafes efleemed etc rebuke of Chrifi greater riches thenthe treafures ofEgypt, ' hecauje hehad reffrea vnto the recompence ofrewardiv. 16.Chria -(whofe example is without all exception,becing extrophim in- deflcirots as-the Schoole-men fpeake)did -fweeten the bitternes oftheerofre with the confederation of the gloriewhich a little 5 after he was-to inioy,for fo theApollle faith,.thatfor t he-icythat WAS fet before imshe endearedthecroffe,d- defitifia theIhame,,Ebr. 2. 2.The Coloffians arecommended bythe Aportle, for that they continued,andincreafed, in faitIrto God,and low to ma, 20 forthehopes fake that was laidvpfor them in heatten, color!: j . 5. AndPaul fliewes this to hauebeene thepraaife,and to be the Jdutieofall the faintsof God,10 to tonne that they mayobtaine,i, Cor.9.24. Lafily;it may be proouedby rtafon. For fira, that which is 25. the end ofour aftions,oughtso beconfidered of vs, as a means to flirre vs vp to the attaining ofthis endenherefore freing the !.ende ofour faith,and hope, is eternal! life. Rom.6.2 2. Ye have yourfrnit in holineffè,and the end etterlaliing .Pct.I.9.Recei- uing the-reward ofyour thefaluation ofyour fettles. There- 39 fore wemavimoy weought to call our cies vpon it, & to dire& all our aftions fertile attaining ofit. Secondly, ifthe labourer worke,not inregard ofthe common good onely,butaltowith ref-peaofhis wages:he that runneth a race, to attaine thegar- land:ifthe husbandmen let and fow.plant andplowe, in hope 35 to reape allartiefl,& to rcceiue fame fruite of his labours: It is lawfull for Chriftions an to doe good in regard of eternal' reward,forthatis the Apoilles reafon,1 .Cor.9.25. They that/ triemageries &Vain, fromall things that the), may obtaine A tor-i raptiNe crowne:bst wefor anvneorruptible.ItisSaint lameshiS, Teafon,