the Epá?le to the t:afghans. Chap.ó.\ rea.fon,Iam 5.7,R. as the husbandmanwaiteth For the precious fruit of the earth, andh4th longpatience for it, vntdl he rccciue the former and the latter mine; Se m f! »ehepatient , andJettle Ìo r,r he4rtt,for (be csiiomikl ofthe Lorddrarreth neare,andhe will 5 recompence cues; man according tohis wo: kes. Thirdly, ifit be lawful( foraman toabftaine from fnre, for fearcof ctcrnall punithment, and tornicut in hc11,(as we know it is,)Matth. o. 28. then it is lawfull to doe good in hope ofeternal! reward. It will be (aide, that it is the opertie ofa mercenaric hireling Ío to looke for reward. I anfwcr,it is tha oroperticofa hireling to ti louke only, or principally for his hir , either not minding the glorie and honour ofGod,or rerpc&ingit, thenhis owns private aduantagc ; fo that when the hope of his gaine is gone, he leaueth his charge, andfiieth away: like the PopishMonks, :55 ! whowere right hirelings indeede:for they minded nothing but their owne commoditie, according to the old Lying, Nopenie, nPatsrnsfter. But to !Joke to the recompenceof reward in the fecond place,after the glorieofGod,thc per`-ormáceofour dutie, and difchargeofa good confcience, is no propertie ofa so hireling ; teeing God bath promifed to give is then, which by continuancein rrelldoisd, feekeglsrie,todbonevr,wndiaJmertalrtie, etermoillife.Rom. 2.7. By this that bath bane laid , we may fee the impudencic of the Rhemiffs, who intheir marginal! notes vpon $5 r t.26.andApoc. ,t. J.doe notably hander vs andour doctrine, in auerrinr, that we teach , that no man ought to doe good in ide Tnßiticat. I. refpcít of reward: the like may be Paid ofcardiriwllBe! /wrmi.e, c.8. Rinsfeldoet, and others. For this is our conflant dot-trine, that de tat}if me we may, andought , to flirre vp our dulnes toall chearefulnes, i b.scouct 3a in the difchargeofour dutie, by letting beforeour eyes the re. 150 ward which is promifed. Yet fo,as that we ought not solely, nor principal, to refpe&the reward : for the scaleof Godsglorie, thecare and confcience we haue todifcharge our dutie, ought rather to moouevs to be plentiful! in good workcs(in Inc of 35 thankfuines vino God for the riches ofhis mercie)then the greatnesofthe reward;feeing weought to do our dutie,thcugh therewere no heauen,nohell , no reward, no punifhmcnt , no Deuil! to torment, no confcience to accule; the very lose cf Godouobt to comfit-dinevs. 2.Cor. g. r4. And here wemull with thankfulnes acknowledge the endlos loueand merde of God Q`I9 5t i to- IÍ