Sgs Chap.6. Cemrrtaerttcarie vpess toward vs , teeing that, when he might exact. flric(t obedience without any ptorf)if: ofrecon:pencc for our labour.: nav-,wheri bymight fluterVS t:3 pieces with his yron fcepter , Net as fhu:roni did to Qteene EU bier, he holdeth ow his solders fcepter vnto vs in the preachingoftheword, that we aright lay hold of it,and by it apprehend eternal] life. Yea it pkafrth him towirine vs by gifts, tra iticitc vs by rev'rards,to = /Jute vs k' pro. ]hires, in gluing his word, that if we ;late we may looks to re. settle ¡though not for our merits.yet throurPh his mcrc)': if we bel¡owe tranfátorie goods, we fhal rccciue a durable fubflance. 10 Ira' cuppe of cold water , Gods kingdon)e. Mauh.l o.1 2. The fccond general! point,is die cifcumflance bf titne,whcn we fl)atl reape, to wit , si dNe time. This due timemay be vn- derilood in part of this WC: for goalies bath the promi.fè of this life, as well as ofthe life tocome, and the wot ks of ntercie haur beetle Caen in this life recompcnced to the full. The wi- dow of 2,vrepta for entcrtiinir. the Prophet Eliab , was ruira- culoua`ly fuftaíned in tie dearth : the *wale áaaher 6,.rrezldid set waft, and the orle iss her crarife did rzse dt,r,iiat..1. King. 17./6. And fo the Shimite hr the like kindtses (hewed to the Pro- '20 phet EI,Z.r'f1, bceing barre.n, obtaineda &wine : and when he was.dead, flue obtainedhim to the v+i- dowofSarep"tadid hers at theprai,acifElla'>i.Km .1.7.23. For tis$ God cloth ;i wales ,iur o his children in this life the fir ft fruits ofI,ís fpirit : fii cien glue them thefirfl fruits of Is their Libours, is a tail oftheir fluturefeitcuie , and an earnefi of that happineswhich after they (hill fully cnioy . Our Sattiour Chrifl faith, he will reward them an hundred told in this life. Matt11.19. But this des time is prot)erly+ meant of the lire to sonic, winch hail) two degrees , !befit í is at the dayof death, 30 when the fòuleer.tret'i into happines: the fecor)d,at the day of judgement, when hoth foule and [iodic (breing reunited)Thal] be glut it) cull pof1Cfhonof t:ttrnaliglorte,and ftlicine: forten they íh,11 bere.vatded according to their workes; not fo much as a cappeOr(' Old water which they haul ;Firers to relerue the 3. Saints of God, but lharl be recor:iprnced to the foil. Matth. Yò.42. Vie. SeeingCodhath fet (Towne a rer and ti erter time when we are to inane, it is our dutte with poirnce to expe& it, as the tars, baltda last death, whohatain rowed.hts.field clothnot loo{ce fob