the L'ptflle to the Galatians. Chap 6. 5 83 for a croppc thenext day,or weeke, or moneth :i but patiently cxpvaeth the hat uefl,that ,he may receiue the prcttous (cede of the Will. For he is too vnreafonable, who having [owed in September, looketh for a croppc in O 7.ber : be a tilt waitefor S the inanrthof Aagta;z,tilt the haruef,and in the meant time in- dot atfo?me hind taipd1windc and weather, (now and raine, balk and froff. So wemuff [oN our fede, artd low plentifully, [dill exfreftng the fruitc of our labour with l atrence, till the great itarueff come, the great day of rctrtbution,iit which God Ì.o will feperate the vvheat from the chafke ; gathering the one into his gsrncrs.andburning,vp the other with vnq enchablefire, 1\'latth.3.t Let vs confider the example of God , who Both patiently expo, and (as 1 may fly) wastes our lcifurc whenwe will tmtle vnio hirn,rhat ht om,gbt hastemercievpan vs: E1. ; 0.8. t 5 he waitethat the dooreof our hearts , and flandethknocking tobe let in, Apoc. 3.2o. nay he calleth vino vs [landingwith out,Open vxto rueanyfifer, my letae,amy dosre, my vndefrled:formy head ro fulofdew,andwry locker with the arepper ofthenight.Cant- 5.a .Wee vnte thee lerafalern,malt thou netrer hmadeeleane?when to willit ence h Fier. More particul,trly,C odswaving and expefìingis let downe in Scripture by iundr e degrees. 'Firft, he waiteth all the day /mg. Efa.6 5. z. 1 haue /irrecI,ed out my hand allthe day long, to adifobedient andgarn/ayingpeel.le. Secondly, fourtie daies together, Yetfeurtie dater, and 2V:sine/hall h de =5 f re:4d. Ion. 3.4. Thirdly , all theyeare long, of the husbandman loth ; I /ekcdfargrapet, and loe wildgrapes. Efa. 5. 4_ Fourthly, he expefleth our amendement,many geares teecther.Luk. i 3.7. Behold, theft threeyeaet have 1 comeandfought fruit on this 15Q tree, and findnone. Ftfthly,the Lord (offered the manners of the irtoaroepótrcc, 30 Israelites fourtieYpres in the wi!dernes.PM. 95. r O. Aft. 13. not iTtoveu- t 8. Su p rly, the long fufferance of God (as faith, , . F ifl. ` "`£'"t°`e w.ulapau is ;.2o.)did patiently expel} the conuet Gan ofthe old world, all the while the Arke was in preparing for the (pace of an bun . dredaKd tvrentieyeares. Scucnthty, he cxpefted the Canaanits, 3 -, and Amorits, for the (pace of foure hundredyeares,vea liar idle. red all G entiles to wander in their owne wales , and in the va- nitie oftheir rninde airmail for three thotfandyeares r gether. Ali 14.16. Now if God be fo patient its expo ìIng our asntcn- denrent from day to day, frnna %tare to %care; we on9lit to he 1 patient in expcttfingthe accompliffintr.t4t of his pros nfi s day Qqqq t after