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Chatp;6. AC.twrt»tarie sips* after day, and yearsafter yore 3 as die arc comtrrandcd. Habac. 2.3. Thos+«h the v:fon tarie,yet witfor it ,fer itAnilfsreycone, and (Tull not flay: and though it be Iong beforewe reape any fruit ofour labours,yct let vs with patience expcfì it,for in due fcafon we (hall reapc,ifwe faint not. For,ifGodwait vpon vs, y: not for his owne good,but for ours; what a (hatncis it, that we will not Waite vpon him, in tarrying his good Jeifurc, for our owne good ? The durnme and ferries creatures may rays to fcheolc in this point : for theyex_pc t with ajet :Pent dh're tobe dolottredfront thebondage of corny :lion, into the gloriew lsbertie I O ofthe/inns ofCod. Rom.8. 19, zo. and as the werd fignifieth, krots(eetr.we. they expe4with alongingdefirc,euen with thr41innfirth their tn. heads, as the poorc prifoner that is condemned dash, who eft- foones putteth forth his headout ofthewindow , in a continu- all,earncft expcEation ofthegracious pardonof the Prince.It I f is our parts therefore to Waiteas Dauiddid , who faith ofhim. felfe, Pfal.69. 3. I aimwearisofmycrying, myeyesfaileme >rhilF I Iwairefor mygod. For ifweglueouer our patient expe(ing,and faint in our niinds,feeking to anticipate this DVE TIM E, this period whichGodbath prefixed inhis unchangeablewill, 20 (more immutable then the lawes of the Meeks and Pei-flans) a thoufandto one but we runne for helpe, either to the witch of Endor-,as Sliddid, a,. Sans. 28. or to the wizzard of Pettier, as Itilackdid, Numb 22. or to the former and figure-flinger of 7346t/,as Nebhcbadnet er did, Ezck. 21. 2 t. or ifall there faile, 2 (as commonly theydoe)we either breake out into open bla- fphemie,as thekin; off rae/did,z.King.6.33.Eehold this?mill commethofthe Lord, III' ?attend .zrt.the Lordany-longer? or in thedepthof difcontent, we play the defperate part of R, set, and lay violent hands vpon our (clues. z.Macchab. t +41. 3® The third thing tobe confdercd, is the condition required on our part, that we may reape in due time ; let downc in there words,tfwefrintnot. the vvordes in theoriinafl are thus: we . f,,,,,,, fhall reape in due time nor firintirhA : which may be(and areof afome 'taken ina double fenfe:either as,eprcmife,orasacondi. 35 Er `tiox. Asaprarrii., thus ,ilwe benotwearieofwell doing ,we fhallreape in due rearm) witlxnut all lair Ling and wearines, ei- ther to the 'acidic, or mindc, that is , + c iha!! reape with all ioy and comfort, as it is Pftil. t 6.., f. 'rsl:y thatraw ix t eares,Aid/ retpeinicy :4n..a'thsj:hitrrdrst.reepir eiiidcaried pretso t feede, pa