....a. the Elide is theGal ttimo. Ch'p6 jlralleorme AAAinewith ioy,nrtel brim their throve, with them. As A condrtien,that if wecontinue conffant in well doing to the end withoutfaisttiog,wc fha11 reape in the time that God bath ap pointedrand its this fence it is to be taken in this text, to wit rers, dittsrrally,as it is well tranflated,ifwefaixt riot. S We arc further to confider that there is a doublefainting,, one ofthe bodie,another of the mind: . The bodily fainting which comtneth by labour,andtoyling,is not here meant,fee- it doeth nothing impeach the goodncfie oftheworke, (it is au to argument rather ofIte frundraeflc and finceritie thcrecf:)but the fpirituall fai fin` is that which is to be feared, becanfc it maketh =labour all invain: . And this fpititu-all fainting is twofold:the firfl is,thc flaking and remitting form:whatrrft,ur courfc,and this hath,and doeth befall the Saints, or God,as we t'5 may fee in the exampleofthe Church of f.phcfus,n>hicb left ber firjt low. Apoc.a.4.Yea all the farInts ofGod haue theirtarbidt intern r1.a,troubled and diflempered fits, fo iietime it the full, fometitre in the wane , foanetime zealous and forward in the feruice of God,fomrtimeagaineheauic and backeward. &c. to The fecond is fuels a fainting& lan uiiiring, that we cleane glue ouer our courle,ofwhich Paul tpeatccs,2.Cor.4 i6:ther-' fore rtefeint not,bttt though or tint-wardmanpert) .yet the inward man it renemeddaslr.And the author to the `-Ichrewes , we mca f co.fder C'hri -,who endrired%itchfpeakin asoix¡l of/irxvrs , dea,? 25 rotfhoklá6e rvsaried,.arrdfaixt in oarjoalet.I-Ieb. t z.;. Anda- gaine,vcr.s.`DrfpiJe riot thechafensng of the Lord, neither tint tube thoa art rebu,edofhint.This fainting is meant ir. this place. Whereas Saint Paul faith we !hall reape , ifrre faint not,he fgnifieth,that we muff perfeuere and continue to the ende, o- q à therwife we cannot Tooke to reape thehat uefl of eternall hap-1 tip, rccxi,&,' pinetre.It is nothingbut conflancyand continuing in well do -- olpu,. ling, that dorthcrowne all our good works . Be c;n71,ent (faith csol li, ut ;, our Saviour Chrift to thechurch ofSmyrna,Apo. a. i o.)asd d ír.rcu ns trillgine thee the cror ne cfIfe.lersrae fiuth,It is the properticof sr_''sn ^d well t t tion cxpi7è, 35 true verttae,nst to be,inne well, bat ti ende . . Paul biarnet,t t :°,4,cecif',x thefeGalatians for beginning in the fpirit and ending in the virtu:"{t. fle h:and Chrifk Ihevwrs what a theme it is to him that begin- 1 neth to build and cannot finial it : its as good neuer a whit as neuer the better:nayhis condition is better that nester began, I ithen that ofTar-dit, k.;vhofe ends was worfe then hi,s beginning. i 0,:X19 3