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586 Chap.6. .9 Corrnoentarie vpos Leuit. 3.9.the talle ofthe facrtfice was rotnmandedto be offe- red vpon the altar , by which was figuificd , that in ruttygood worke we rnufI not ()lady begin but continue in it to the cud, and facrifice the cede of n to trod , as well as the beginning: o- therwife welookout iabour,andmitre our reward therefore. Saint Iohn biddeth vs loole to osrfe/srt, that we loáfe not the á things whichwe hosedone bonthat we may reccitsea full reward. 2.Ioh.v.8.The labourers in the vineyard carne at (undty times, foam in themorning, others at the third, others at the fixt , and ninth,otlners at the twelfth boure ofthc day., et none receiued to thelabourers wages,but thole that continued in the worke to the endc,Mattb.zo.God is Alpha and Omega, and therfore re- quireth a good ende,as well asa good beginning , and it is our dutie not onlly to obey the commandement of Chrifl,verue adme,cosse yoreme, Match. t r.28 but that alto, mantleinme,a- is side in me, loh. r S.4. for he only that contitaueth to the ende flag be faced, Match. 24. r ;. Further,whereas the Apoflle faith, weAollreape,ifwefaint not.It may be demandcd,whether the Saints doe fo faint at any time,that they finally fall away ? Towhich dernaundI anfvver 20 its a word,that theydoe nor,nay theycannot totally and finally fall from grace. For firft,ifany thing tlaould make them tall a- way,it is finne;but they cannot finne,becaufe the feedeof rege neration andgrace rcmaineth inthem. i Joh 3.9. And though the Church flecpe.yet her heart waketh, Cant. And tfany 25 thingmake them faint,it is affh(hon and petfecution,but thefe andall other cro(les work, together for the bell vnro them, that lone God,Rom.8.78. And therefore thefe arenohinderanccs but furtherances rather to their faluation . Secondly, theyare built and founded vpon thepromife of Cod, brillpea cloyfpirit 30 into their hearty,fa that they /hall oat departfrom one . Ierem. Z 2. 40:Therefore Chrifl Both CO preferue them bybis power,pre- uent them byhis grace,guard and guide them by Ins fpirit,that they iha11 neuer fä11 awav,and that none (hall plucke them out ofhis hand.Ioh, t 0.1 add: further, that they are built upon the ;5 trueth and Fidel; tieof his promife,God itfaithfnuland tril»ot /of- fer yon tobetemp redabase that yea be ahle , but willgive the ifjoae with the tenptition,thrttye maybe able tobeareit.i.0or. rr , t "s Thìrdly,vpon the praicr of Chriff,whopraied that they might be &eprfro') evih!. loh. t 7. t 5_that they might beone in the Treni tie.