Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

1 ra ,f theEp4Ie he the Gal.itian,f- Chap.6- slewheinthefather,and thefather in him.v.2 t.that withhiml,:,,idjee hisglor:e.v. 2, 4.-Novv Chaifl was away heard to that wh^ch heprated for.Joh. z r.4z. Lafily,vpon the life ofChrift,whsch is communicated to all his lasing tnernbers,Gal.2,.v.20. When Chriji whichis their lafe, fiallappeare,ther fhall theya1Íò appeare with bin inglorie.Colo fT. ,,(2_10efl. If they cannot altogether îai:,t and fa!l away,why doth tree holy GImG make a doubt or r it,as though they night: -fn/ It is the wi'.!o' God to moouevs to peri uerance,andto fiirre vp our dulnefreby fuel fpeeches, that we should not be wanting, to our our felues in the v(eofthe tucanes. Io. White we haue therefore, time let vs doe good veto all men, but fpecial'yr to them which are of; the houlhold offaith. 20 In three words the Apoflle doeth iterate the conclufion propounded in the fixe verte,as alto in the ninth verte immedi- ately goingbefore ;that Svc should doe the goodwe can,whi!e we haue time;andwithal! he doeth illuff rate it both by the ob..- irFf to whorne we nm doegood , and by the circiemflance of â tiete,howe long we mutt continue therein. And herein lie an- fweretha ferret der nande,which might be made vpon the for- mer rule , for whereas it might be thought that the Gentiles which profeffe notthe Carne religion with vs, were to be neg- !e&d, or aticafl,not fo rcfpeeled(aswereade.Af.6.v.t. the 3c. Gretians were neglected ofthe Ebrewes in their daily minifl.c rie)the Apoflie anfwercth,that we tuna not restraint our boil- tieand goat-Indic onely to thefe that are oftlae faine reh`ion withvs,but enlarge it vnto all *Mg doegood unto allmcn,bnt fpecially to thenoftbehou,iold offaith. In the words we may confider three things.Firfl,the dutie it 3ï felfe, Let vs doestood Secondlv,the obiett or perlons to who: e' we gnu!! doe good,whuch is laid le,.cnecomparatiuely,tre swig- doeáoo roall,brt [p<e.sallyr r uof erhet are of¡be hoef7v'Idoffaith;. the dune. Thirdiy,the circumtianceoftirne,when and !AWN long; we are der,and ta of This-, -7.-m -. 5 8