fE8 Chsp.6. .[Cattrn+eat,arietpNt Thisgenerali dutie ofdoinggoodis recommended unto vs by fundrie arguments.The firemay be taken from themanic endsand fcopeof mans life in this wortd,which as Paul fig- arifeth in thisplace, is nothing sift but to doe good: and this doingof good flandeth in three things : the firIt concerneth 5 God,inprayfing,magnifying,and adoring his holy name. Da. raidhad an eieaothis ende, when he Mired to hue for no other ende,but that 1 emight pralle God,Olet myfokle lowanditflistll prasì thee. The fecond concerneth our !dues, in ticking the kingdomeofGod,andtltc righteaufnefTfe thereof, by snaking re, our calling and deóìion.fure bygood, a.Pet. r. t o. This cnde' ofamans life Salomon :intimateth,when he faith , Ler ps heare theendofall;feare GodAxel keepe hit commandentents,for this is thewhine dsetieofWW1. Ecclef. r 2. V.13. The third concerneth our brethren ,in doing goodvntotthem Co lane forthas pelt i is blywecan in the compaffe ofour calling: for it is the aide of euerymans calhng,in fcruingofinentodceaae God; and this is that which Paul vrgeth inthis pl ce,r..6elttreiciallvnte all. Thefecond may be 'takenfrom the example of God him. felfe.We waft doegood to them., that bete vs,th,at we may be the i children ofour heanenlyfather. Match. 5. V. 4+45 . Forwe are more cotsformcble vnto God in doing good vine others (it 'beeing an effentiall propertie to G od to doe goodto cucry man,feeing that euery creaturedorhdrinke ,.or ac e*fltaffe of the fweet cappe ofGods goodnefle.Pfal.145-v.9.)thenin re. .25 coininggood from them : for he receiucth nothing from vs,as Dauid faith,Mjgoodneße reacheth not to thee,.Pfal., 6 v.2. To the ex5pleofGodwe may add the ex3plcofgodlykings. The cheifeff pralle and commendation of Hezekiah, and lofiah,;as notedby their goodnefre. Concerning the refi of the ;Its of ;o Hezekiah and his GOODNESS E,they. are written,--- i.Chrcm.32.3i.Concerning the reff oftheaas ofIofia'h his COOD N E SS E , doing as it waswritten in thetawe oldieLord,beholde,they arc written----s. Chron. 3 5.26,2 7. And this excellent name ofgoodnee or botostifi,lxefe, was(as 35 itmay fecme)by the Laweofnations, afcribed t. Princes and j Potentates,ïn that it belt befeemed them; asin name , fo inthe I vertue it Cafe, to expreffe the divine nature ofGodby,and f therefore they were called fveryilut, that is, bountiful) bends- I Etors,or gratious Lords.Gttk.2;.35. 4 Thel