the Epiflicto the Galatians. Chafn.6. ' Thethird is drawn from tclimonie, diurne, and humane. Our Sautour i. hrit1 faith, iris ablefed thin,, t.gsnt,rather then :erecting. AEI. zo.3. that is, to doe good -, rather then to receitte good. a Nazianze' faith, that man dothrefemb c good innò 1; e inná° s propertte fo muchas in doing good. And the heathen Orator Q7o e , J*rY_ Derrro/1henes could fay, that bdoing of good, and fpeaktng the , oo ,,:,strc- truth,makes vs moll ltketoGod himfclfe. Pr" VH Pí t. b srr.rareir But to confider this more particularly. Gvane: is threefold: xt a,,,6:,;H,, %=re letting, élnrrrMg,Catirtrtt/Y.iccr; s. in all whichparticulars we E°I'-'11' ""_ lac. icu ¡o are to praetifc this dutie. And fir(i , for the preferutnggoodness vh` confermtî- ' we mutt doe good not onely to our fclues,but to others alfci,rn vurn'r,rra. labouring tokeep;, and preferue them from the contagion of 1u, 2" n,utxc.úvtxr. finne, from falling from grace, or backflidrn ; from their hole proteflion, by all good meaner, as by good example, and by i5 grattous fpeechcs feafoned with fait, &c. as Barnabas did, ;rho cornrniag to Antioch anal f eiug thegrace of God that ;rat g;uen thern,was glad, andc.4,fmedthem, therein , exbArtinó them that wtrhpurple ofheart their wouldsleaneunto the Lord. Act. r I a2. and tor this caufe(as I take it)it isadded,v.23. that hewas aped so man andfullof tbt holy Chofl,arndfaith. The Oaring goot4es, is likewife to be praltifed , in letting men at Vnitie, inreconaling thole that areat variance , in ma kingpeace and amitie,wherr there isnothing but cnmitie and drffentron : for, for this caufc Chrif# calleth peace-mákeys , the 4t1 childrenofGod. Matth. 5. i o. becauleberet they lately refem. ble the goodncs of Go , their heauéhy father, asany forme loth referable anyco 11 itic or propertie in his natural! father : for he maketh turntobeoboemìrade in ooe houle. Pla1.67. The Coonvourucattne gamines (beefing efpecially vndcr flood ®o in this place)hath fouredegrees. fall for temporal things we mull communicateto the necdlùies oft he Saints Rom t 2.I z. Andforrpir;tread hhlerixes we muff rerrtêber the rayingofPeter, ;. i et ewer, than use he bath recesuedaArfi ftmini/ler the farne vnro others atfood di/iiofers ofthe nsaírifofagraceofGod, 1. Pet... i o. g -S Secondly,wemull be plenti+ull'rn the workes of mercie, not \ contentirrt our felues With this, that we are beneficial! to fume i in relceuing them in their wants and neceffities but we muff be rich in goodworker. t .Trtu.6. t $. Charve them that are rich id this irorld,thatthey be mot high mantled, that they doegood, er4icl berich ingood work. , readse to ditflritinte4rrd to cemmtinicar e.We Rrra8 _1.11._ Ltt I 89 ------=_ Cb