Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

390 Chap.6. elesmateatie open n uff be like 7-abitba(or Dfrees who clothed the poore with the garments which Thee made at her owne proper coif and charges,Ae1.9.39.and for thiscaufe theholy Ghoff giueth this teffimonieofher, that/heewas rich orfordofgoodworks, al e,r which firer did. v. 36. like to the vertuous woman, Prou.; t.27. who openeth the pantieof her hands to thepoore , and tires- ched owher hands to theneedle : like Iob, ofwhomeit is laid that the !Dynes ofthe poore blefí`edhim. lob. 3 t.eo. Thirdly, wemull be ranch ingoodnts (as theScripture fpea- kethofGod)that is,abundant in goodnes , in communicating to unto others abundantly thofe blefíings which the Lord hash flored vs withal! : not onely in louing our brethren , for which theThctia1onians are commended , that their loue one towardes another did abound ; but in a liberal! (applyingof their wants , as Paw/ exhorts the Corinthians, that as they dula- 1.$ bound in faithandlone, to theywould aboarndin rich libera/itit. 2. Cor.8.7. as goodObadiah did,in ¡pending his lining,and yen- tuting his lite, in hiding an hundred of the Lords Pro- phets, from the furious rage ofwicked Iefabel. z. King. IS. 3. 20 Laffly, we muff be exceedingorfuperaóundant in goodness in exceeding meafure (1f it may be) in doing good : like the poorewidow who had rather want herfelfe , then. be altoge_ thee wanting in contribution to the treafurìe of the Lords is Temple : and therefore though it was but two mites which 23; Thee aft into the Corban,yet Cluj ft preferred it before all the rich mens offerings becing put together, in that they gateof theirfuperfwitie,but thee of herpenwrie, calf in all that thee had, even all her liuing.Luk.2 t.4. I t is well laidbyS. ,rfmbrofe: we mw releewe the wantsofethersAccordinga, reare aste,and force- 30 time menabate aarrabi itie, as Pawlwitneffeth ofthe Corinthian, to their great commendation,ihat to theirpower, & beyond their power,they werewillrng. 2. Cor.8. ;. Further , in doing good , wemull obferue theft rules. L Wemuff doe goodof that onely which is our owne: for we 33 maynotcut a large and liberal' (Iliacofanother mans loa£e (as the common laying is)we may not ¡Irate from one,toglue to another:or deale srniufllywith fome,thatwe may be merciful!: to others : or robbe Peter to cloath `Paul, TheLordabhorreth, rut is burnt offering,if it be of that which is.gotten by rapine ;tá IOffica.a tag. Necef£t;tesa ! liorumquail ! poflitmus iw 'r,are deSevus, dcplus interdá gum potia' uxas.