the Epi;gle te the Calxtiaett. Chap.6. 591 and ° fpo:le. Efa. 61.8. and hence it is that Dasti4 would not offer burnt offering without coif, of that whichwas not his owne i .Cl.ron. zz . 2.. I I. Wemull doegoodwith chcarefulnes and alacritie,for s God /meth cheaefullg:uer. z. Cor. 9. Ambr%faith fitly and finely to this purpofe , Well. doing ought to praceedefrom well- willing: for fuch as thine afffflion it,färch ie thy aílion. Therefore if we giue,We muff doe it frecly,otherwife it is no gift:fór what more free then gift ? therefore we may not play the huckflers 'so indoinggood, tor that doth moll blemifh the excellencie of the gift: for as Latiantiut faith , Panda bertefrcia nonfceneranda, I 1 I. We mull fo doe good, asthat we doenot difablc our felues for ever doing good ; but may continue in well doing, and as the Pfalmift fpeaketh , bringforthmorefrstit in our age. .75 Salomon commands that the tlrcamcs dourwells fhould flow to others, yet fó,aa that thefountaine befit!!ourowne.Pfal. z 12.5. .4 good man is merciful/, and lendrth, andwillguide his affaires with iudgernent,that is,he will fo difcreetly dtfpofe and order all his a4lions, as that he will keepe himfelfe within his compaffe; 3o fo beginning to doe good, as that hemay continue : therefore thewife man faith, In the houfeofthe wife there isapretious trea- /tere,andoynttwent,but afoclt/b mandeetoureth it.Prou. 21.20. All the difciplcsthat were at Antioch, feat fuccour to the brethren whichwere in Iudea, in the great famine that was in the time 25 of(lardiva Celar, yet euery manaccording to his ahrlirie. AE}. t I. I 29. for according to Paul; rule , we muff notfogiue,tbat other; be eafed, andwe our fencerpinched. 2 .Cor.8. t 3. III'. We Inuit doe all the good we can poflïbly within thecompatie ofour callings,andhinder all the mill. It will be 110 laid , God (wholeexample we are to follow) doth not all the foodhe can,neither dothhe hinder all the evil!. Therefore we are not bound todoe all the good, or prevent all the mill we can. I anfwer, in this particular we are not to imitate the ex- ample of God , and that for three cairn . Firfl , becaufe we 15 , arc fubicft to the law , ThouA.& not doe affill that roodmay . come ofit. Rom. 3. 8. whereas God is not bound nor tub ieEt to any Law, no not to his ovine law, but is aboue it, and bathpower to difpence with it . Secondly , becaufe he is able to draw good out ofeuill, light out of darknes ; which we cannot doc. Thirdly , becaufeGod h&cGererallgood, Rrrr 2? o holocau[iusn de rapitaa. Of1;c.L go. 13eneficencia ex bCITCYnIe@[n cia tnatttre de- bee, affeams tuus nomen imponit opod cuo, InRie.d'iviae. libs.c.ip. it.