Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

59 ; Enap6. ----....... c...4 Commiemtarie21pom \we partiemlar. Nowt there isgreat differencebetwixt theft two for it belongs to the nature of theparticalorgood, to procure all thegood this may be (imply to cueryone, & to hinder all mill t whereas to the natureof he (femoral/ or smitierfidlgood, thee things appertains. Farfl,that allthingsilmuld be c'(rood in fame incolore ofgoodnes.Sec6dly,that folic things fliould be better thencacrs. Thirdly , that thofe things that are defekhoe in goodues, thatis, char, flloold be ordayned to the common good : as in a well ordered houre, all the parts theteof are goodl in their kind.Sccondy, forme better thenozher s, as tram/ )t th al , tea In agrear houle there are verrells of Id and jiloser., of vood ami jio:ae, fome for honorer , am! lime for di,Gonorcr . 2. TIM. 2. 20. Thirdly, ?bore that are deflituteofgoodnes , as linke.r,draorglar, and other like places (fettling for bate, thoughneceffarie vies) are ordained to the common good of. the whole houre ,which e s it ca:mot want. And therefore if the maffer builder (topre- newante particular mills) thud leaue them out ofhis buil- &Tr, , he Ilionlci preiudice the common good of the whole houfe, whichcannot be without them. Thus much ofthe fir El part, namely the duty :Now I pto. 20 (Cede toprofer ate the tecond,which firms fir(' to whome we mutt do good, and fecon dly the order to be obferued therein. Wewig ;io food vats 414 b.vt 17scially to thole »Inch ore of the homIZroacioffaith. Touching the fir it; lt may feeme, that lome zanong the Galatians were ofthe Pilai des mind, who thought 11 they werebound to loue their friends , but not their enemies; or of this per fwafion that they were not bound in cadence to do good vnto the heathen amonga whom they liued,as being profeffed enemies of Chrift, &opi perfecutws of his Church, But P.a teacheth the & vs another leffon, WhEhe (6m-idsvs 30 todogoodvnto alifutab1c to that of our SaniourChrifiAmeyonr triemeiet Nefe them that coriteyom, doegoodto thew that hsteyom, pray fir them :bat bmrtyom irNtiperfecsee pm. Let vs confider the good Sorrmsriranr pi anife: Albeit there Vim mor- tall hatred betwixt the Iewes and the Samaritans. loh.4.6.Yct 31 he teeing his deadly encrnie woundedand half: dead,badcora- 1 pamen ' ponhim;poNr et! wine andoyle intohis foares,bound vphis woo rides,fit him onhis ownebean, brought him to an Inne,andmade prouifion for hiir; the like ought we to doe,e- i teen to our enetenet, asoccafion (hall false IAk. 1 o,30. For: i i we