theEpifTk te tbs Galati,ow,t. Chap.6. 593 we mußdoegood to our enemies bean hisoxeor affegoing allray,inbringing himhorncagatnc; Exod. a ;.ç. Muchmore ought we todoe good to our enernie himfelfe. For the more betieficial! and commrmicatiue we fhewc our film tobe, the 5 greater goodncfrewe Chem to be invs,as the fountainswhich povvreth faith his flreatncsvnto all,and the candle which flan- dcth vpon a candleflicke Ihineth vnto all,anc; awl to it fcl e be- ing coucrcdwith a bufl:zll. The reafonswhy we ought to dot good vnto all , (east., to so our enemres)are principallyforire.The íhí1 raybe taÁzn3 from 9 i the groundsof Ioueand beneficence , which are in all nre:n,c- 1 ten in the wicked thernfelucs; nova the grounds of lots: arc fpccially three : the fir is the image of Cod,v,llichbccing in all rncn,yea curls inpropharc perf©ns in part , ought to be the s 3 loadfloncofloue to drawour atffcfliora vnto it. The fecund is communion and fcllowflhip in the famenature , and therefore we ought tobe beneficial! untomen,hecattrè they at: men; St thoughwewill not doe good horniari,yet we muff doc it htdr a. nitnri,as the Philofopher faid.Thc third is par ticipation in the 24 death of Chrifl , in that all men haue part iii Ciaifl 2s Wzll gas wc(for any thingwe knows.) Secondly, God (whofc ex. ample we arc to follows, as bath beetle Paid) is good , and bountiful) voto all, cauung his funne to f ,i-ns as well vpon the hackle as the good, and his raine to fall as vuell vpon st ht 33. ` the ground of the vniufl , as of the iufl , becing !;;ride %lit© the vnk:ndand to thewicked . Thirdly, we rut toe to others as we would they fhould doc to vs. Therefore if webecing in d,flretfc would beglad to recciue good at the hand of a wait- kedman, we ought in the lute care to doe good veto him. ; ì4'67.a3' Fourthly,our praft Iron and the reward which vie Tooke for, , g reri irc this at our hands, for ifwe doe-good veto them oncly that doe good vnto vs,or ifwe be friendly to thofe onely that are friendly to vs , what fingular thing doe we ? for cucn the: Pu'.rllcansdoe the like ; and fo hauingour rewardhere in. this: life,we can expert noneother after this life.Marth.5.47. :35 Thek.-ond point,(whrch containeth the order -to beohfrr- ued in doing good.) is-laid downe in thrfe words, Let vi ei e' sodto 011,birt ípe,i,d i ly is tiinsír which are sfths-hoe f 6ä1d o ffaith. By them of the hotribsld offai,h , we are to vnderfland thole j which by.f:.+ithare of the fame.familie with vs , namely of the Rrrr ; horns