Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

594 ; Chap.lo . .4 Co+ara+reertarie tspox fameCatholikechurch upon earth;rhehotsfeofGodbtcing of- tenput to lignifie the Church of God, as t. Tim.a.r;.The houfeof God is called the (fourth of God, thegrow:dandpillar ofCrueth.Ebr. 3.a.Mofer mufaithfallin all Gods horrfe,that is,his Church:and thus this phratc is expounded. Eph. z. 19. re are nomore f rangers acrdforrainers, kg citizen: ',pith the Sattts,and ofthe hoehcld ofGod. So that by them ofthe konAeld óffaith,ave waft vnderfland ondy the faithfull ; Indeed among men, notonely children,but alfoman- eruants, and reside- leruants arecounted to be ofthefamily , but Godaccounts them anedy to 'to be of iris houfe,that arc Saints by caidtng,and formes byfaith. The raft arebaflards andnot fonnes,thcy are (it may be)in the houfe,but not ofthe houfe:for true fauïngfaith,doth charaíîe size thofe that are of the farrilie offaith ; siren as fanaticall dreames,fantaflicallopinions,allegorizing ofthe literal' fade Is =ofthe fcripture, denyingthe refurretiion of the fiefh;doe cha- ra(lerize thole that areofthefaruilieoflame. . Hauing the reaning,cöfider the dutic,which is,to do good principally to the faithfull,theSaints & leruants ofgod,tl,at is, we mull do good vnto the beforeothers,& more thi toothers, 30 which arenot ofthe fame familie,as Dauid faith,, j welt doing reached) not to thee , tut tothefaints that are in the earth,( then) that excel in vertue.Pfal.I 6.2, 3.For it is al one as if the Apoflle fhouldhaue laid, As it is fit andconuenient,that they that are of thefame famine should be helpefull and beneficial) one vnto 25 another,rather then to thole that are ofanother family: So it is requifite that thofe which are members ofthe fame bodìe,nay felines and daughters , brethren and filters, hawing the fame Godfor their father,the fame Church for their mother, Chrifl fortheir elder brother, begotten of the fame immortal! fccde, ;e nourifhed with the famemilke ofthe word,and lookingfor the fame bleffed inheritance: fhould rather be beneficiall one to another,then to thole th:t are forrairersand flrangers, noway linkedvoto them by thebond'of faith. Nowthe realons why we ought elpecially todoefood to sS them ofthehoufhold offaith ,may be thefe. Firfl,bccasalcGod 1 loueth all his creatures , fpecially mankind ,moll efpecially the :iithfrall,vpon avhomehe doeth bffowc the riches ofhis loue, yeahimfclfe alfo:for though Godbegoodvttto all, Pfal. r}ç.9. 1 Terns a ftaeciall fart he it rod to ¡fuel to them that areofapare heart, t.