Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

the Epeßle to the Galatiato. Chap.6. y95 beart,PfaL7; .1.1le itaSaxiour of all mert4etiaïly of t hofe that 6ekeue. t.Tim.4. t o. Secondly,becaufe whatfocuer is done to oneofGods faints is donc vnt° him , Matth.2 ,44.Thirdly, I in refpcft ofthe exccllcncie of their perlons, in that they are y fontes ofged,heires ofhit kingdom( , member' ofchriff,7`swipkt oftheholy Ghol,&e. Further,in thatall the faithfull are called a houtholdand a family, this teachethvs , that as we haue one beddc and one board, one bread to fecde vpon andone cuppc whereofall 30' drinke: ?owe t7:ould haue oneminds and one hcart,vvc :hotald cleaue together, and hold together:for if they ofthe f.4xu of , lone ioyne together,why (hook{not we which areof thefaimilie offast/ hold together ?lfthofe of the kingdome of darkeneflc I combine thcru(elues together, as it is Piai.a. 2. The kirgtofshe as earthband thernfclttes,andtheTrirsces are ,cjTembled together, a gain/ theLcrd,andaáai,,ff hit Chrifi. AEt,4.27.`Dett tble againfl thineholy Penne Icfru,whcme thonhag etnnoi,r :ed , bet h Herod and Tontitu Pilate,with the Gentiles andpe.sple oflira(lgathered the- fillies toncther.Plal.83.5,5,7,S. They ¿paaee cenfulred tsgethrr in j 20 heart,a ,sdhalmmade a1<'agne againJ1 thee; The taberriades ofr.. i donr,ard the I/hnsaelues. 'vtoab,andthe Acarir3u,64baa,aredArse,- 1 mon,and flmalec,the Phitifbiais, with the inhaJitarts of Ty?'at: A- I Asir also is iaynedwith them:they bane Beene anarrxe te rise chariri ofLot. Howmuch more therefore ought the children of light, 25 to company and confort together ? But the children of this world are wirer in their generation then the children offight. Nay the bruite bea(fs may condemnevs in this point; for cat. tel heard together,fheep £locke togetherfifl:es (hole together, and (as the proucrbe is)birdes of a feather will flic together. 30 What a ()lame is it therefore for vs, that are o the fame family offaíth,to fall out,making a rent ira the coate,and a distilon in 1 the bodie ofChri(} , by feperatìng our feints one from ano- j ther,in affeatonofheart,and pra1ileof life ?' 1 Agatne,thismay mutate. comfort to all the faithful! beeing j 35 'ender thecroflr,to confider that they areofGods family ; and therefore nerde not doubt ofthe prouidenccof God, but that he will prouide things neceffarie for them ferbe that pre:tideth not for hmorene, and/peciallyfor them ofhit fantilie, hash decd.. :dike faith,and it worfe ¡ben an isfide!!. Laifly,in that the faithful! are called af_arriáe, it fhewes that -- sil`: