Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

596 Chap.6. Conoieseatarte ypen frAbacwome vtxli cr tn -CedeNaattiy. they are but fewe, earn 'a handefull incomparilon -of the world; for what is a &Indic to a enuntric ora kingdomeiin- deed I graunt,it thole of the family of taith,beconfidered by thcmfetues, they are many. Match. I Jay vntoyes, that 27 hall (orneframe tbe &II andfrom the Weil, andAga fit dome ;rub ifbrabi, ¡/tac , aicd lacob in the kntsdonte efheaiten. Nov they arcinnumerable. ANC. 7.9. .4f ter tbefe thirst be-1 held,anilee, agreatnuiltirnde which n 'Awn cotild rinenber tfitons kfodredi 411 ipeopleand tongnes,/leodbefire the throne, .Etie !before the laysbc,rloatbedvrth long whiterebel, andpalmes in! t thewhands Bat becing comparedwith infidels, which azali be condemned,they are but fC,Ne , MaIth.7. I 3, ri..Eraer ife atthe Itratteg.ite:jor t u the rosdepte and broad way that leaded:: to defIrnaton,and M A (VIE there be which zee in thereat: Be. exile thegate is§raite,and the irona.rrem, that leadeth vata1zf 5 .44dFEWSthere be that 0.1t1ÁNrare caRed, bra FE W chefen. Here they areCalled afiip, elf" 4itlefilekltilk. 1 2.3 2. & a remnant R0E13.9. 27 Let the Papifts therforebragQftheir Vnavrfalane and multitude , as much as they il,it the filCanC titi1C, id.' not vs feare to lovne our (clues to &Wideflocke of ;20 Chrtfl, and with their to go. e on in the flraite way to eternal! life. The orderwhich we are to ohlérue in doing good to others, i3 cite where more flit-ha-fly fet downe in fcrip:ure :Z3c it Hands in thele degrees. Firti,and ,nrincip-dly,a man tut& do good to as 'thole ofAufanolte , as to wife, chddren , fet tiaras. t. Tim. .8. Iftherebe any that prokideth not for his owne, and cfpeciallyfor them, øfhis konfileld,heboth denied thefatib, drs nor/e then an infidell.-Stcondly, after thole ofour familie , we miff doe ...pod to our parents andprogenitors, t. !Uri, 5 4 . /jcipq widow'hitto 3* children or nephew' , let them (that is. thole children or ne- phewes) learn" firg toAm eodltnes Iowan' their elynehoof', and wrry44.401 to reconpenee rheirparents.Marke, they mu ft first do goad to their ovine houfe,and then in the fecond place to their parents, mittkr.susi..;ti that is their fathers 8r mothers,if they be children,their grand- I fathers and grandtnothers:ilthev be nephe;rc,se.d. Thirdly after the to former, we mull doe good to our krred. ¡f447 preiside not fir fr;1 *rent. he hob denied the .faith, 5ce. where hy owiic, wearc chiefelvto vtiderftand tholeporewt- AeWes that' are nineof blood, or lcinred unto i's; or general- ly