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theEpi(fle tethe galati it. Chap.r6.1 !y all thofe that are ofour kinred in thefcfh, who are therefore' called arr.r,bccauft they doe morenearelyconcerne vs,as being -- Ìlinked vinovs, by the bond of nature. They that are of our kinred,are tobe rcfpcEèed and relented ofvs in the third place, s if they be of the houfhold of faith ; otherwrfe, the Saints ot 'God,which arc neither kithnor kinne veto vs,are tobe prefer- before them. Fourthly,of lrangers and forreners,we are to 1111 doe wood to the farthfrll before others. Fiftly and tally, we . muffbe beneficia n to all , whether friends, or foes , ofour kin. íro red,or flrang:rs, ofthe boufe of God orotherwife , as God in his prouidcnce íhall offer them vnto vs : for fo Paul faith , we stsayi doegoodveto all*rem. It will be faid, we arc to loue all men alike(feeing we muff loue our neighbours as our felues:) and therefore we mutt doe good toall menalike , not refp. eking Li S thefaithfull more then others. I anfwer , our loue of our bre- thren,isle& or greater,either in refpeft ofthe.Euft,inwrfhing a greater ora ldì.-egood veto them : and thus we mull loue an men alike, inwifhing to them eternal! life: or in rctpea at the ieterrtioaofroarlire , in hawing a greater deliireor the goodof So force, then ofotherfome : and thus we are not bound to loue. or todoegood to all alike. For as S. Barnard fsith,Mclseri ma- ser affeE1u, mdigentierireedier dream' tribmendru. This doarinc inucfed with the former examples , may fhame the hale, feruïle, and beggarly liberalitieotthecommon :115 fort ofmen, which profeffe the Gofpel , whole handsare tied to their purfcs, and their hearts locked to their chefs, whoarc fo extremely miferable, that they neither doe good to others, or yet to themfclues. Secondly , it condemneth them which are fo vnnaturail , that they forget all dutie to their kinred and ß° acquaintance in the flelh. Thirdly, thole whowill doe good to none, but to thole that haue done good to them : this is right the Pharifies righteoufnes, to loueour friends,andhate our e nernies; thegoodnes of the Publican,to lend to thofe of-whom they look for the hke.Laflly,thofe whoare fo lull ofthepoifon 1$ of malice and reuenÿe, that beeingonce incenfed, they can He- uer be appealed , till theycrie quittance with thofe that offend them. The third thing to beconfidered in the words is the circum- I f}aneeof time; wemsA doevend to all,rohilewe home time. Herefundriepointsare to beohfcrucd. Sill a I. If 597