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'Chap. I. t1Conementarievpon vs now ref-only amend, and turne to God : leafl if we 1hll dcfcrri the time ofour repentance, Gods judgements come forth in hall vponvs. The manner ofhis obedience is;that Patti didnot communi- cateilirhmen: thatis,conferre,andconfult with them ,touching S his dotrine,and calling. And this heamplifies by a compari- fon;thus: He did not cenfaslt with-any man, no not the Apoflles of Hierufalcm. And headdes a reafon ofhis doing:beciufe they were lintlefhandbfood,in refpc!t of God:and indecde it is vn- tneete toconfultwith men;tóùching the matters ofGod. i o Hence I gather,that Gods'vvord,whetherpreached or writ- not depend on the authoritie of any man , nonot on the authoritie ofthe Apoiles themfelues; it is fufficient to au- thorize it Idle. Chrifl reechoes nor the teflimonie of mad , Iohn. S. 34And it is an crrour,tothinks that the Church doth autho- i S rite the word,and religion, in the confciencesofmen. For the Church it faire is founded on the word. The Church cannot confiff without faith,nor faithwithout the word. Secondly,henceI gather, that there is no confultation, or deliberation, to be vied at any time , touching the holding,or 20 not holdingofour rcligion.He that will fòliowe Chriff , may 'nót put his'hand to the plough,and then lookebacke againeto hisfriends,to fee what they will fay,Luke,9.6t. He that would be wife muff denichis own e wifdome,and become a foole,i. Cor.3. i 8.The threechildren would not confult,touchingthe 25 worfhippingofthe image,but faid:be it known to thee , O king, that me willnot worJbip thygolf , Dan.3. When the iudge gane Cyprian the martyr lcaue to deliberate awhile , whethencc would deniehis religion:he anfwered,that in ¿Mint mattersde- liberation is not to bevfed.By this I gather, that theSchoolernen 30 haue done cuill,which haue turned all diuinitie into Qucffi. ons,and haue made of the articles ofour faith , a quelbonarie diuinitie.Secondiy,by this we are taught , that in the dayoftri. all,we may notconfult ofthechange ofreligion:but we muff be refolute,and treadvnder foote the perfwafions offlefh and 35 blood. Thirdly,our obedience toGod muff be without confultation . We muff ftrff trie what is the will ofGod, and then abfolutely put it in excquution, leaning the iffue to God . Abram is calledof Fo od to forfake his countrie & kindred.Gen. t z. he de. rcffiy_