_S93 Frontecapit- lasa eil, poft eft occafta calva. Chap4. ACommatt,r,ris vpost L If we mute doe good whsle we haul time,we mutt make a holy and profitable vfcof our time , (the rareft icw,_, ell,and greaten of all earthly treafures) becaufe timewill notal; way left: and thereforewe mutt take time while it is time , fee ingtime and tidewill tarie for noman. Let vs confider what a $ i1me it is, that the childrenof this world Lhould be wifcr in their generation then we , who profeflc our fclues tobechil- dren of light. The mariner or Ica- faring man whoobferues wind and weather , taketh theoportunitteof the time : the Ira- nailer or way-faring man takes daybefore him , and trauaileth to while it is light. The tmith ftriketh the yronwhile it is hot , for when it is cold,it is too late to Nike. The Lawyer taketh his time, to wit, the Terrine time,for the intertainingof his clients, and followingof his fuits : for when the Matteis ended, his tirne is gone. Now it is alway Terme-time with Chriffians, e- t s- ucry prefent day , cuen this preen timr,is their Terrne-time: therefore ifwe will not íhew our {clues more carelcfÏe & neg- ligent , nay moreabfurdly fooli(h,or dcfperatly madde then all men, wemutt take the opportunitie that isoffered todo good, andvfe the pretious time which God in mercieafforded,vs, to his glorie, our comfort,and the goodof others. Time and op- portunitie of doing good , is hieroglyphically refetnbled by the head ofa man that bath locks ofhaire before , which aman may take hold of, but bath node behind; whereby is fignified, that when opportunitic is pail there is nopo(libibtie left to 1 ;., doe good. We muti not therefore let flippe any goodoccafl- on, but take hold ofit at the fitti , when it is offered. Hence it is that the Aponle,Ebr.;. t 3. biddethvs exhort one anotherdei- ly, whileit id calledto doy. And thewife man, Prou. 3.28. Say net to thy neight:+otrr,goeand come Agame , and to morrow willIgirt 30 bee, ofrhos, =sowhaire it. For he may die,and focannot come a- gaine, or by thy delaying of him,may be difcouraged from comming,or thou main be hardened againti him, or miff with the rich man in the Gofpel,be fuddenly takenaway from thy riches, or thy riches taken from thee. Our Sauiour biddeth 3! vs :raft err the light,while we harm li.,ht.Ioh. a 2.35. I I. Ifwemutt doe good whilewe hone time , we mutt ob- ferule the Apouiles golden rule, Eph. 5. r 6. Redeeme the time: which is nothing cis, but fo to employ it,and vfe the benefitof (ít,as that we fufer it not to lippc away fromvs without fruit l Olt