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10111-_T - _ _- ___-- _` `. the Epiflle to the Galatians, Chap.6. 599 orprofit, either for !loth and idlenes, or by reafon ofvainc and tranfitorie pleafures, or other occafions ofthis life:but to gaine that time we formerly loft by negligence , with double dill- gence , yea to redeems it with the lodeofour cafe , our plea- 5 fures,our profits. And we (hall the better praCtife this dutie , if weconfider that time isAar:,pretiottu,irrevecable: it is (bort,and therefore tobe guided by diligence : it ispretious, and therfore to be redeemed by an high etitmate and account of it, in not besing too lauifh of it : in bellowing it vpon our friends, not o vpon our enemies : in placing it as a iewell in our golden age, and wearing it in our news garmcnts,the robesof Chrif} his righteoufnes ,andnot(as a pearls in a fwincs (nowt) in the rot- ted raggesoffinne and wickednes. Laflly, it is irreuocable, and therefore it is to be redeemed by taking the opportunitic ty thereof. I 1 I. Paul commauading vs to doe good while we haue time, would hauevs know times and feafons; toobfcrue the ffiortnesoftime, to number our dales that we mayapplieour hearts to wifdome. Thenot knowingand obfcruing oftime, is 20 a finne much inueighed agaiafl by ourSauiour Chriíl,Matth. 16.3.0hypocrites,,,r stndifcerne theface ofthe skis , andcan not a difcernevke ofthetines: Luk. t 2.56. whybdifcerneye not this time? the LordBothpreferre theverybruit heathbe- fore his people ,becaufe they know their appointed times and 25 fesfons, whereashis people knew not the time of mercic and grace, whichwas offered veto them. Eisen the/Jsrke in the gyre knswethher appointedtimes, the tisrtle,axdthe crane,andthefwal- low, Worse the timeo ftheir commie, but my people knoweth not the isedgement ofthe Lord. Ier.8.7. And Chrifi threataeth Ieru- ;o falem,that one tiene fhould not be left vpon another, becas/e they knewnot the timeoftheir i /cation. Luk. 9.4+And verily ofall follies and ignorances, this is the greatefi , not to know he day ofour viltation, the acceptable time , theday of falua- tion, when God offcreth mercie, by rifingeucly and calling 35 vs by theminifierieof his word , and ftretching out his hands all theday longd.Rom. a 0.V.2 r.For if he (land at the dooreof our hearts, and knocke by the found of his word outwardly, by themotionofhis fpirit inwardly, by histhreatnings, byhis promifes ,byhis judgements , by his mercies, by his tolerance and long fuffering, and yet for all that wewill not opennor li- S fff 2 flee s t'tocxtiretr. bóatt¡azZettr.