Comaaentotrie von 1 lienvnto him, we (hall {land with thcfiue foolilhvirgins. ,and knock at his tttcrdç gate,and fay,Lord, Lord, open vnto vs,when it will be too late, when heaucn (hall be flint agaìnll vs. Mania. 11. 1 2 5. Y I , I 2. For,for this caufc amongothers, they are called fco- ! 10 virgissJ, becaufe they confidered not the timeof the bride- 1 groomer comining. E Here it will be {aide, obfcruing of time is forbidden, Gal.+ I o. Te obfierue daits oui rtrrser,Ane! rsgonethJ,and jean, 1R,vt ofr-Aid ofyoa, lea,? Ibane{pent on jrcra I4Gcdr in swim.. Asl ; There is a twofold obiruing oftitlle,geoa, and estiJ/; Llmfra/l, andvnlaw. t ! frall. Vnlawfïtlland fuperflitious, is either Icmige,ar Ilea:kesn/4: the Iewi,S, and fuperftttious obferuationof ti:nes,is,wheisTell- gion is placed in the keeping of them, in an opinion that they I bind the confciencc to the ftrif3obfètuingof them,as their ha- bilies,feafls of thePaffeouer, ofweekes, of Tabernacles, Ca s. lends,new tnoones,&c. Hearleni!1,,whcn times are obterued in refpeet of good, or baddc fucce{Ie : as when men make two 'sEgyPtian i vnlückie claies in eucry moneth, in regard of health : when ""' they count leape-years ominous,as Z'alenrrniandid,whoberis g newly created Empereur, would not come forth and thew 210 k leefe malû hitnflfe the bifl'cxt ofFebruarie.Notktomarrie in themoneth Maim ni:bert qulgus ait, of May . To obfertte Planetarie hours,, and CbmaEtericail yeares , the Horofkopeor time ofamans birth, and the pofi- tion ofthe heauens at that rime. Both thefekinds arc foi bidden. Paul wasafraid ofthe Calariit,firfl,,becaufe theyobferueddais, is andmorscths,f-yeare.,that is,Iewiflyeeremonies,is ru. dirri ts. Secondly,becaufe theyobfrued raazei orfeafons,that is,. heathenifli fuper{litiont mentioned before. Andaifurcdly,be. fides the vrtlawfulnes ofthis praElde , it is an vaine cuen in the judgement of the heathens théfelues. Alexander the great coin- 3# manded the Macedonian fouldiers (which had not beetle ae- clanófne i to fight in Iune,becaufe it had bcene ominous vn- I.0tacior. to them)that they fhould call it buy , and fo. oot the vié$orico- uer Darius. Lucullus becing to fight with Tigranes upon an 7,' mtd dome vnlucky day,in whichCepio was ouercome of the Cimbrians: 31 trod ". I will(faidhe) make it fortunate to the Romanes , and got the vietorie.And who knoweth not that the Idle faTeday bath beene fortunate or luckie to Come (as they vrc to fpeake,)vn- fortunateand tinluckie to othersi The fame day was Craíus (laine by the pàrthians , and Pachor king ofparthr'a- taken by vim,-