l the zppeto theG,rlatierxr. Chap.6. l 601 f Ventidius. The fame day was vnto Pompey , the dayofhis birth,and theday ofhis death.Thefame day wasto Frcderiskc the feeond,his coronation day,and his funeral! day. The lawfuli obferuing of ume is two fold.Nusvasce, aisiste. 5 Humane is threefold,Na:sirall,Ciuill, Ecc/gfiaßàcall. Nat,srallis, theobfruing ofthe motion of the funnc,thenloone , and the ftarres,whofe reuolutions make times andfeafons, daisy, mo- neths,yeares:theobferuingache foure quarters orfcarons o.f theyeare,fpring,furnmer, autugnme,w'ii=ter. The Ecclipfcs of _Yo formeand moone : thefull tnaone, the wane,the chance. The 1 time ofcuttingoftituber,ofpiantin;, towing,&c.inoI írrning whereof; a great part ofAl1ronorny,Phitofo hie.,adhusban- drie is imployed. awl/ is,when tries are,obfcrucd in. regard ofpolficie, or of it 5 thegood of the còmmon wealth, as faî+ : times, market- times, tearme times, dec. the (piing, asfa time for Kings to goe forth towarrc,2.Sanr.43.1.The keepingof Lent , faffing daics,'Etn- ber weekes,areall in aciuill refpcd,for thebreedof catte,ll, the 1 maintenance of rsauig2tion,and the plenticof all things. 2®' Ecclelaficall,when kt times are obfcrtte4 in the Church fort order fake, without fitperflition, or opinionofworfl ip: as a-.1, niong the Imes the feali ofPurinr,Elth.9. 26. the featl ofthr Dedication,' oh. io.z2. Anaon flChrifiian:s,tcflivall.daies:as, ts the feaft of the Natiuitie,,ofsircun'cifion,ofthe refurre&iori, et ty afccnfionofChrifl: theft and fuck like folcmnisies, appointed for our thankefgiu.ing and humiliation, arenot vnlawfull,if they becnioynedby lawful! authoritte,, and kept m good man- ner. Dirdiste is,whenvpon theconfrdcratienofthe fliortnefTe and 30 vncertainetic ofour Bues , we prepare our fclucs`agairill God (Ball call vs,andf number ear dater that we apply gar heart; to wiíedenge. Pfal. go. Or obferuing the day of Gods met ciftilt vifitation,we talée theopportunitie and vfe theHuants that is offered, forour conuerfion and faluation. Or, obfcruing, the 35 time of Gods vifitation in iudgernent, and indignation , we hideour (clues wider the censer ofhis wings. Prou. 22. 3 I V. Hencewe lcarne,that there is no poffrbilitieofdoing good.or becingbeneficial! vnto others after this life far Paul biddethvs doe goodwhile we hase time , thereby infinuating, that after death ,all pofTbilitic ofdoing good is cleanecut oft Sfff 3 The