.,.. .._.. 6os; Chíp.6. ACeNwstettarieVOX The time allotted todoe good, becing included within the li- mit: ofthis life,Thedead that die is the Lord reflfranc, their la- beurs,Reud. t4.i 3 .Therefore r nogoodworkes arc performed after this life.Paut bccingaged and readic to die, the tearmc of his life beefing almofl expired ,faith, /bermeftnifled toy comp, 2.Tim.4.7. which could not be true!), raid, ifhe were toper - forme anygood workes after his death.2.Cor.5. rO. ire muff gifts accent:for allthings we he done in the body, that is,irt this life. Where it is to be obferued,that the Apoflic (peaking ofall the workeswhereofweare to giue account,dothconfine them within the compafTe of this life ; therefore no workes can be axoneafter this life beendcd.Lct vs heart the teflimonieofthe attntient.Cyprian toDcmetr.,Qurrndo ijìinc exccffm ell mrrllus leeuspoenstentimef,noillusfatisfatlianis efdflas. Icrome. Dam fife pr2fentifftculo fmnmsfineoratienibsu,(iueecncill?invicempofenu coadiuvari,ctffn_a utcm ante Chrrflt lrrbsnal venerimm, von lob, trot `Daniel,necNee regare pop pro quepri s",, led vnurmquemi portareoarsJnuw.And again, Inhas vita,licetmobil quid vols. musfettinare : glum tramfierit , operami tempos amferetur, C}c. Hence I gather two things.Firfl,that thedottrine ofPurgato- rie is a meere fable,becaufe there is no time after this life be en- ded,left to doegood, either toour (dues or others, and there- fore not toworke righteoufneffe,torepent,or to fatisfie thein- fliceofGod,which the Popifh fort fay isdone inpurgatorio. But what fhould 1!landto batter thepaper walksofPurgato- ry,with the canon ofthe fcripture,whichwere longagueburnt to afhes,by thefireof theword? Secondly,fecingall opportunitic,nayall poflibilityofdoing goodis confined in the compaffe ofthis life, every man mull fol lowe thecounfell of the vvifcmanSalomon,Allthat thy hand /hailfinde todos,dee it withalltillpower,for thereit neither worke Norinìeentien, norknowledge ,nor wildest". is thegrowwhither themgoe.Eccicf.9. so. Dauid faith in the race no minwilier tanprofile god.And this is the =rewhereforePaul doth fo in- Dandy vrgeallmen to take the prefent opportunitie, Bebelde, new is the acceptable time: beheld, :ewe is the dapeffalnation,s. Cor4.2. V. Hence we are taught to account every day, euen this ! prefent day,as thedayofdeath,or the dayofiudgement:for we mulldoe all thegoodwecanwhileweham time, now our time is S to fig 20 24 30 35