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she Epik to tßt. ¡Cal,nimto. Chap.ó. 6t3 is theinftant,or prefenttisne,for we are vncertaine whether we fhall hue till tomorrowor no.Iam.4.i g. Therfore looke what wewoulddoe at thehoureofdeath, if we were nowat the lafl gafpe pantingfor breath,or if we did fee Chrifi comming in s the cloudes to judgement; the very fame thing weought todo entry day,withhke zealc and feruencia offpírit,to praife and magnifie themerdeand goodneffe ofGod;with like feare and trembhng,to worke out our owns filiation, and to fecke re- conciliation;with like lout and fìnceritic ofaffe61ion,tobe bc- I o neficiall veto ourbrethrcn,&e. V L This doctrine meeteth withall miferable mindedme who hauinggreat manes and opportunitie ofdoing good, yet let flippe,or rather cut off ail occafiorts that might induce them thereto , who in a brutifhminde like to theTwine, neuer 15 doegood,nor profit any, till their dying day.I fpeal a riot a- gainflthelaudiblecationic of bequeathing goods togoaJV!- , fes,by a mans loft will and teflament;but again i chore that doe whoberesi little or nogood all their life long, till thehome ofdeath: Let ,,E, r.12, there men confider,that as the late repentance ofmalefa&ours, 20 a little before their death, is commonlybut a ceremonial) re-- pentance:fo thefitneral14enefce sce of thofe who gi ac hale or nothingMall their lifc,is vfuaily no frec,but a formal', and ex- tortedgift:formaall,in doing as others doe:extorted,in that it is giuen to floppe the mouth ofan accufingconfcience; The vi- aS tallbeneficenceisthat whichGod accounteth of , & by fomuck tobe preferredbefore the other,but howe much it death more euidentlydeclare a more liuely faith in the prouidence of God, and a more vnfained folic ofourbrcthren.i gaine,they glue te- flitnonie,that they null not in vncertaine riches,but in the li- 3o fling God.Laflly,theyhaue the benefit of poore wens ¡rains, (to. whom; they are bencfaciall,)which othcrwife they fhould want. VII. The circuaafianeeof time bath here the force ofan argument,for it inforceth theeathortati5much , that we fhould 35 doe all thegoodwe can,and take the benefit of theopportuni- tie,becaufe time will not alway laff the holyGhor in lundry 'places of fcripture,from the confideranonof the fhortnefre of our ticne,cnforceth the duties offaith,repentance, newt obedi- ence,as t.Cor.7.v.29, 3 0,3 t .Andthis lfaydrerhren,bccotatfe the time is fhort,hereaf:ex that hods they their. haue á irser;he Of thotsgig they