Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap.6, ACeteeventarie vpont theyhadnexetand they thatweepe,41 thetigh they wept not:and they that reisice,as tbeesgh theymoltednet. Ebc.3.v. 7, . Te day ifye willhears his veice,harden not yewhearts. and v.1 ; . Lxbert one anetherdaily,while it is called isday. Thegodly inall ageshaue pratIded this dune. Peter knowing that the time was at hand, s, that he was to laydowne his tabernacle , fiAt rev vp Ikriteffe to greater diligence inhis calling,and faith , i stilbost 6enesIrsent taprayer, in remembrance eftheft things ,p, long es I etn.., ix this tabernacle/cans /know the time Itoft band that Imieg leyit down £1910 Lerdfefiis (krill bathlbeweolisec 2.. Pet, I. I 2,13,14:MC Is Churchpraleth thus toGod . Teach vs to roiraerour dorei,that is,fo toconfider the fhortncfre,vncertaiotie, andvanitic ofour life,rhar we may apply enr hearts towifeetome , NI, yo It 2. But wicked mens pradde is cleane contrarie,for they take (Kea& on upon the fhortneire o` their tine , to hue SS they WI ,to take / their pleafures,and to followe the lugs ofthen hearts: therfore they fay,Ler /ofrate anddank., for to *we're:me weftalldie. Efay, 22.I 3.0ur life isAort and tedious, and oar note is asAfhada'owe thatpaffetb away .----Conte therefore and la vs trey theplea fires that areprefent.Wifd.2.1,5,6. And hence it is that form 26 fend their time in eating and drinking,and going gorgeoufly, and faringdelitioufly eueryday ;other in gaining, carding,di- ting,rioting,revellingA as(the karmic is)In fwaggcring,whcr- in they followe their father the deal, who is therefore more full Ot wrath , knowing that he bath het 4 'hen time. Apoc. al 12. r 2. To there we may adde all fuch idle perfons, as followe no vocation , or trade of life, but day after day, and yeareafter }care, are (till deuifintr, new paftimes (as they call them)to trifle the time away. There men haften the- judge tnentsofGod, andpull it vpon them beforeGod halt it. It 3® is a great íudgemcnt ofGod fora man to be in that cafe that ix themorximf he/hallfey,wesildGodit were stealing, aidin the eke- MisT.weidd Godit were worming%Dttlt.28.67. In thiscafe is crie- r), idle loiterer, who through idelenes is wearieof himfelfe, St )grimed thc timepaffith askay fo flowly : and to there pi wihil 35 agient.vve may ioyne them qmi male agoti., anti thofe all() tyni alioid *wont, all which arc condemned in this text , & agaitill them Time the heathenEmperour fhall rife in iudgement , and fhall eondenmethem, becaufe he remembring on a time as he fate at (upper, that had trifled away the day indoing nothing< raid; \