the Epilile to the Galatians. Chapati. 5 I raid,Amici,hodiedient, perdili:Friends, name loft WI day. it Ye fee how largea letter I haue i written `Alto you with mine owne hand. r Here beginneth theConclefon , beeing the third generar part ofthis Epi tle,confiftingoftwo partvan Infinaat:cn,in the to t I.verfe, & a Recaoittelation, in the vents following. He infinu- atcthhim{eltc into the minds of the Galatians by a twofold ar.. patent. Fira,from the largencs oflus Epiftle, 7e feebow large a later I Kanewritten : fecondiy, from the inftrumcntall caufc, in that he writ it with lard owne !fiend, where he ginesauthoritie to fig g it, and a kind ofcminencie about his other lcttcrs.Andin both, i he commendeth his diligence, loue, and care which hehad of them. v The word tranflated,yefee, is ambignous,and maybe taken ads". either as a commandtment,See how largeA letter ! hastewritten: ao or as an afTcrtion, Te fee. TThe like ambiguitie is in the word pa;veo-,9u,Philip.2.5. and may be read either thus, amongil whom youdoejire: or,fee thatyeti f/. ine.0 ffarres. It is not materiall in whether acception it be taken , teeing the fenfc is all one. The fitft argument to mooue the Galatians to attentior,,and z5 acceptationof Pauls paines, and good affcEtion , is takenhorn the largenesof his Epilllc. The word in theOriginall tranfla- Í ted large, is flrangely wreIed by fundrie interpreters, without rraiSua. caufe : a lislasrie refer:in: it tothe loftines of fentences:Hyperint ain144sió. to theprofunditie and depth ofmatter: ierome to the greatnes of the charaefer : ChryrflereandTheophylaîf, to the badnes of 30 his hand,as not bceing able to writewe'll/ai o to the Hebrew charaaer in whichhewrote : whereas the word cloth not one- ly fignifie gtsalitae,butas properly gtrantitie, asHet,. 7.4. Con¡i- der howgreat this¡non star.And the word that anfweretlh vnto it, Xui. as well quantitie, as qualitie. Colofl: z. r. larctidye bor-J.:r,x 35 knewwhat great 6WhtIhasre.-- Jam.2.ç.Behold,howareatathir=a . .s little firekMdleth? Theplaine and fimple meaning therefore wiam y ofPanl, is this, that he neuer wrote fo longan Fpiftle with his owne hand, vnto any Church, as vnto them. He writ inclecde the Epiftle to Philemon with his owne hand,hut that was fhort Tttt t in