606 Chap.6. incomparifon of this. And he wrotelar;er Epifflesto other! Churches,as to the Romans,Corinthiäs, &c.but byhis Scribes, ;.not with his owne hand. Therefore feeing this is the longeft, and largefi: letter that ever `Paul writ with his ownehand, it ought tobe more regarded,andbetter accepted : So that as his paines were greater in writing, our diligence fhould be greater in reading, andobferuing the fame. This fhewes Pauls great care of the Churches, not onely when he was prefent , but when he was abfent. Howpainefuil he was beeing among their towinne them to the Gotpel, how t o fearefuli when he was abfènt from thï¿,leaff their minds fhould be leaucned by falle teachers : how faithful' bothprefent and abfent. Arid it may ferueas a prefident to all Paflours hawingcare offoules, to vfe the like diligence, and confcience, in their Mi. zx nifferie; that beeing abfent in bodie from their charge vpon neceffarieoccafions(as Paul was)yct theywould be pretènt in fpirit with them: and prefent by their letters : that fo they may. teffifie to all theworld , that they haue a greater care of the fíocke,then of the fleece. so It further teacheth vs , that if the Minif?er beeing carried with difcreete zeale for the good of the Church, goefurther either in word,orwriting,then he intended,or is thought fit by Tome: (as it feemcs Paul did in this place,for what needes this large letter(may force fay,)a (hotter would haue done as well) 25 that we are not to cenfure him, or limiteand prefcribe him. It had beche a great fault in the Galatians , if they had found fault with Paul for this his i?rge,lettcr; and in the 17ifciples & levees ifthey should haue blamed-his longSermon,. which continued. at one time, from morning, to night. A a. 28. 23, at another 30 time, from the doling ofthecawing, till midnight. A&.2o.¡. And fo it is in manyhearers, who are too curious and (Mat in prefcribingand limiting their teachers to the time, longer then, which they cannot patiently indure. And in Hinting them,.in vrging of.this. or that point , in laying he miffedhis Metorieke, 35 his Epinsone wasto long , he was ouerfeene in dwelling fo long vpon the point: it hadÌ>eene better,a wordand away,&c. His fecondargument is taken from the in.îrumentall caufe;. that he wrote it with hit oni,,ehand. a Haintio faith it is theopini. on oftheTeonoun, that Pa /wrote not this wholtEpifllewith1 li j a Inhar Epì- ßola&cut t, a- damDe{3o- res, *hoc lo- covo ad fi- new, propri ansnufaipfu-- eA' Cov entaricmean