s zS 20 :5 3d 35 the Epálle to the Galatians, Chap.6. 607 ____ Ifiis owne hand, but onely from hence to the ender which opi- n on is confuted by the very text, Tcr4 ,,fie horrAirgcalater I HAVF WR1TTÇ'N with mineerene hand: fpeaking of the wholeEpifile,in the timepall : or ifof any one part mote then ofanother,of the former part,rather thenof the latter Second- ly, hisafro-60n is not trus,for(ifwe except leronae)noneof the T b + bS'bihotogr;.t- AncicnCs(as I take it)are ofthat opinion. Not / im.6r'ef, wbo ['Alum us, faith , Where the f;,ale writing is his owne hand, therecan 6e no faif dici fallbood. Not, Chry .fionse who faith, To the reff ofhis Sp files be flonp°ieL s c ïn_atetis didfrabfcri6e,6xt this whole Epphewrit him»fe.Not PrimaG,ts, tubicribeb f that quídem,bic vfing the wordperfcripar, ,a he were it through with his owne vets toramip- hand. Not d7heodoret,affirthingthat it feemes Paul writ the sescuttic. whole Epfle. Not e Theophylaif who bringeth in Paul fpea- idI °ta) at s ¡videtur haat king to them in this manner; I am enforced towrite thisEpilile ,faipfcbpito- lm. vntoJouwithmine ownehand. Not Oecumenáxs,wlio calls it , i'J - ie a Etfi filmmi. ; up, Lms-o>,tw',an Epiflle written with his owne hand. Not ¡nime,ppùmé tCübtnar Hui; f.nfelme, who paraphrafing the text, faith, it is all one as if he tu>tcompult s had faid ; This Epiflle Iwrit with mineownehand. And a littlebe -. inmt men vet mea manu hsc l fore, Netwith the Scribes hand, tut withmine ownshand : (albeit 'ad vosLp.it. Anfelmecannot fo reiudice his affcrtion, who longafter ;iùibtre P tí piolam i. him.) Not the Author ofthe Commentarievpon the Epifiles tiara fuipfi a- afcribed to Ierotne,Tom.9.forhe vpon the 2.Thefl'. 3.17. faith ;mums, °I pl.ainly,SWith thefe wordshe fsbfribes all hisEpi/Iler,exceptirrg lror.notarii that tothe Galatians, which he writfrom the beginning to the ende ''mHisvebsea. withhis owne hand. And vpon therevery words which we now cranes Epitto. entreat of', ow amnot h See h l afraid,which f o late time haue writ- 'bbar.as: 1 e oibe- f x tpta tenwith mineowne hand. (Where by the way; we mayobferue, callLcetn.r, that lactase is not theauthor oftliofe Commentaries, beeing fo tiusmes manu inte- p- ro f contrarie to himfelfe.) This I conferee is alight matter, andnot yro ia pt crtp- to be flood vpon, were it not, that fumeare too hafhe to fwal- 'hÌn-eitigite low whatfoeuer comes in theirway, vnder the titleof the To- quill nen ti- . meam,t:i ti- Hours. It must therefore be a carieat vnto vs, not to be toocre- tents mantt dulous in beleeutng euery one that fhali auouch this or that to flea nni.er be the opinion of the Fathers , no though it be affirmed by a fcripft Fathcr,efpecially by filch a one as draweth neere the dregs, as Haimdal. It is certen then , that `Paul writ this whole Fpiflle with his owne hand: the reafons are there. Firtl , that it might appeare under his hand, that he was no changeling, but the fame min that he was before , in that he did not preach circumcifion, cr Tttt 2 the