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603 j Chap.6. ACom+sae»tarie vpßrt the obferuation. of Iewifh ceremonies, as the falle Apoflles fiandered him. Gal. 5. t r. Secondly, that thishis letter was not counterfeitedby another, and fent in his name , as the falfe A- poflles might haue obiecied, and the Galatians fufpeEled. Thirdly, that he might tcflifie his Gncere loue towards them, and how hedid(as it were)trauaile in pain of them , till Chrifl were formed in them, ibunnitag no labour that might further their faluation. We may hence further obferue a threefold differenceofthe booties of Scripture in the newTeftanaent.Sorue were neither ; I0 i writtenby an Apoftie,nor fubfcrabedh as the gofpel of Marke, and Luke. Some fubfcribed,but not written : as the Epifile to the Romanes,andLathers. Sotne bothwritten, and fubícribed a as this Epiflle, and that to Philemon, verf l9. thaw mrittersit with mine owne hand: 7 will recompenfe it -- ----- . Now that IS 'Paul fubfcr}bed euery Epifilewith his owne hand, he hitnfelfe witueflèth 2. Theffalon. 3. i 7. The /alutation of me Tar:lwith mine own h,ïd,whieb toafigneM emery Ept/ik(,hat it is mine,& not forged In my name byanothergo lwrite; thegraceofour Lord leAu Chrig be with yotsall.In whichplace he warneth theThef- 29 faloniansagaine of falle teachcrs,and forged letters r for, 2.Th. 2.2. he had befought them they wouldnot be troubledby fpirit, nor by word, nor by letter ,u thoufh it cartefrom him. And here he (hews how they mayknowwhether the Epifile be his or not:iiit haue this ligne, it is mine, eis it is connterf it: for this note or mike is to be found in all ant cucry one of my Epi- flles. Now theft words [which ra aSigne ineuery £pi!fle]c.nnot be meant (as foment of opinion)of the former words onely, viz. Thefalutatien ofme Prtnl with mine own:, hand. Fiafi , be caufehe faith, it is a figne ineuery Epifile , whereas itisonely s° tobe found, 1. Corinth. 16. 2 t . Galat. 6. 11. Coloíf4.18. 2. Theft 3. 17. Phtlem. v. 1 9. and not in any other of his Epi.. files. Secondly, the worda,fa Iwrite, (hould befalfe,if theybe 1 i referred onely to the former wordes becaufe that manner of falutati an, is not to be found in may Epifile, (as I haue alrea- 3 5 III die 'hewed.) Andexcept they be referred to the words follow- ingr , the grace of our Lord is-ice (bra ; &c. they haut either none,or a verv.hard conftru(tion. Thirdly, ifPants falutation (which he airtneth to bea certaine noteofhis E.pifile)be vn- derfoodof there words,Thegrace ofour Lora lefst C'hr jl,ie, il