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the Epiffle to the (otIostiet i. Ch2p.6. io9 it agrecth unto all (as Anreh»e confeffèth ). whereas beefing I meant of the former words onely,it doethnot agree to all, but to a fewc:andyet Paul makes it,a generall,infa11rb1e note, and fiigne,ofcuery Epiffle.Bcldes Atoobrofe, andPrirna/iusa,in their coinmentaries upon the placc,as-alfo the Author oftheCorn- mcntaries which goeth under Jerome tiame, of rme,the Pigne whereby we may know l'auls Epifllesfrom counterfeit,and forgedEpi(flcs,to. confìff in theft words: the ;?raceof014r Lerd, &c,C'hryfe .anti 'Thtodaret likewif:°_ fay*,that Paul reel ai the fis s-lueae orrn appetlu,c bo_ o lltztion,4 be ied, íian, or ble ra, which ii in the endof:he-Fi0lë: ne iiâioncm land a little after,fiesce we learne that be arasr arm /Mod towrite 9a"' fine f- «ei. weft ansrd;,Thebrace, c,in;lead ofadiewe srfwrewellwatothç. Hill; ergo di- And Haiti o(longa fter)expounds thefe words,(( arrste, hove? icimus,quó.t j r iloc,Graua (faithhe)euen thus aß itfola meth, Th grace o otsrLsrd, &c. I romin;,&c. 15 graunt it is probable that Paul writ his ownenaine. in the cede pr vale ; i, of eueryEpiffle(whethcr in the Grecke tongue,and in the He,- beret-61)14- brewe charastcrs(as flairKso of rrincth) I leaue it as vneertaine) re:ac. { and that by the faiutation or iconeofhis Epiflle,his namewrit- 1 ten withhis owne hand,is inpar t tote vnclerfiood:yet it isnot c2 j onely nor principally meant. The certen fignc therefore ofhis Epiflles,is bchde the fibferiptionofhis Dans name , the fare- well that heglues thertrin there words,T%e grace ofotsr Lordle, feu (bra bewithyamall,or the like to the fame cfn.1 t;' oth fame cffeél, becaufe the* very formall wor,ies, are not to be- 25 found in euery of Pauls Epiales. Thereforc Cafetan isfar wide,: who taketh the entire andFormall faluta.ion, as it is literally Pct downc.e.Theff.3. i be a note that the Epiffle ishis, fo that ifit want any one word,either the Epiffle is not Patls, or there is foredefc1 inthe text.: for hereupon heconcludes that the 4:o Epiffle to the Colofi onely, bath foret,=rig wanting in the ,`` farewell or falutatien, becaufe it isfaid , Grace bewith ;ou:and I coiott. i$. not the grace of our Lord 1e i t Cbri,11 be withyeu , as it is inall his other Epiffles. But liira, it is an vntrueth , for they aie not onely wanting in the Epiffle to the Colot£fians,but alfoo in the .7 . 35 to Timothie,and in that to Titus,where it isonly faid, Gracebe ,.`ri...6.23i withrhee.Grare be tm:thyolk. 41. Sccondly,it is a flat miéaking.of: Tis.s.ts. the texr,for Pauls meaningwas not ineuery Epiffle to tie him- felfe precifcly to fo many words and fyllablcs:but to corucnend them to the grace ofChriff:fornetime making exprcffe menti- o.n-of Chriff,fometirne concealinghis name : yet fo as that it is Ttts 3 ibisa_