i 6 t© Chap. 6. AComrnentaráe'upon alwayvndertlood,thoughnot exprefTed. I2. As many asmake afaire [hew in the fle{h, cornpcll you to be cir- s cuincifed, only becaufe tlley`ti°ould not fi7ffer perfecution for the croire' ofChrift. From hence to the ende,is laid down the fccondpart ofthe IO conclufion,which I call a Reca,itsslation, wherein theApotile I doeth veryartificially(as Orators areaccuftomed)repeat thofe things whichhe would haue fpccially to be remembred,the maine points handled in the Fpifile.Firf ,that neithercircurrt- I5 cifion is necefíarieto iuttification, nor the ceremonial] lawe to faluation.Sccondly,that the falf Apoftles vrging the obfèr- uationofthe lawcas a thing neceffarie to fatuation, fought not herein Gods glorie,orthe edificationof their hearers,but their owne cafe, and frecdome from the crofl'èè, and perfecution. ao Thirdly,that Chriitt crucified is the candy thing that iuthfirs a 4inuer without the workesofthe I,awe. Four thly,that true re- ligion fiandeth not inoutward things,butin the rcnouationof the inward man. 111 this verle and the next following, Paul dcfcribrs the falfe 25 Apofllesby flue properties :three. whereof are laid downe in this verfe,The first is,that they wakeafaire lerve . The fecond; that they compel/men to theobfer ing oftheir deuifdreliaion.The third,theende and fcope they aimeat,that they may alway be in the funne-fhine,liuingat cafe , and hauing theworld at will; ;o nely 6ecatsfe they woreld notfearpertcution for the croie of Chri/i. Firfl,the Apofllefaith,that they reakeafairej er:, its thefeA: which is taken diner fly,for it figrnfieth fundric things. Fall, to wake an-outwardglorious flew according to the fiefli, as that ; 5 heywere true Ifraclites,ofthe feed ofAhrtàh m, c.OFwhich boaflingPaul fpeakes, 2.Cor, I I a 8.Seeing thatásemrylorie af- -ter thefle,G,I millglorie aljfo.Theyyare t!raciitet,, /,r am 1: they are shefeedofAbraham, o arss 1. Secondly ,to falcate the Ifraetites, which are after the flefh, and toapprocue theiniclues vote thew, er.