theEpitle to the Galatians. Chap.6. "them',which held the keepingofthe ceremoniall'awe. Third- ly,to vaunt themfelues to the lewes,and them of the circum- cifton, ofthe Galatians, whome they had circumcised in the fleth,as becing made profclytes,and wonne to their profcfíion S by their rncanes.Laflly,to pretend great Seale and religion in outward obleruing of the !awe , Handing in carnall rttes,and bodilyexercifes,as circumcifiora, mentes, purtfication,and the like:which carnall rites the Apofllc oppofeth to fpirìt ìall wor- fhip. Land to the newe creature, v. 16. of this chap. IQ and bodcly exercife (which profiteth little) to true picric; and the fincerepractise thereof, which is profitable for l things, I.Titn.4. S.The words may be taken in all the e acceptions, though princspally in the laff. Herewe haue a notZlepropertie of false teachers , which s 5 is,to let a faire face upon the matter , to carric all before them with a lmooth countenance,and inoutward appearance to ex- cellaFor as S:atan,thougk- ablacke deuiil,anangel ofc-larlcenes, . loth change himfclfe into a white dcuiil,as though hewere an angel oflight,fo that a man can hardly diflingu3Eh his wicked 20 fuggeflions,frorn the goodmotions ofthe fpirtt of God, and therefore may say,as lo fhua laid to the an el,arr ti29ts on cecifide, or on or,5. i s.So his inflruments teasufèrsrr thesnfebes,as t/oîgh they true the Apcj1iet of Chris , andmini- fersofrigó_=teosrtxerfe,?.Cor.r t,r;II 5, s5 In the Teflament ,. false prophets were accuflomed outwardly to conforme themfelues to the habite and attire of the holy: menofGod,inwearinga rough garment as Elias,and the refl ofthe prophets did. Zack r ;., 4 Vnder thenewe Te- fltament,in the timeof Chrifl,the Pharifes inhypocri fie, vndcr 30 a flame oflong praier,deuoured widdovves houfes.Matth. i 3. t4.In the Apoflles time,falfc teachers with their wit worfliip, . as touch not ,talle not , handle not , (which had a fhewe of wil'- dome in voluntarie religion, and humbteneffè ofminde, and not (paringof the !Jodie) did undermine the religionoffood. 35 Colofl.2.2r,22,23. And after that,in the primatiu.eChurch, the heretickes cal- ledC'arhariís, under a flhewe ofholineflre, fafling,praier,&c, did (owemofl damnable heretics in the Church. as in former times, the Jcwes vrnder the glorious titles ofthe childrenofA rahur»,thefch,ollers of Motes, thetempleof the 61