612 Chap.6. AC'emoawratrtrieupen the Lord,the temple cfthe Lerá.,made many .profet;tss by de- ceasing the foules of the firnple: So, at this day,vndcr the f,lo- rious titles ofthe Church,of Counccls,iathers, antiquitie,con- fent ,vniuerfalitie;thepreterited Romane Cathulikcs,haue al- l-oaredmany z Gml>le (orate:and no n aruaile, confidcringthat there are the times of'wl :ich Chrift forctotcl ,that #=alic prophets fhould deceiuc (if it were r ofsible) the very e'er - ,tb#atth.z4: 14. And of' which Saint Paul _prophected , that Antichriif fhould cone threregh thecfc acie of Satan , with 411power, rend ftgnes,dttdlfisfg wenders,arcd i, aiddecetráe,a6lene je of virtgree!sf 4.o stele, anxoe. thew that peri,%. z. Their. t. 9, s o. And all this is done by outward fhewes and (ctnblances, which our Sau:our Uzrb.7.1s. Chrilf tearmethJheep's clo.trhing., and it Hands in tI ek inure particulars. Firlf,in great ftti cihng titles, as thec nely trwe Ca thohkeChurch.theVicar of Chrif$, the Occumennicall Bi- I S fhop:moff profound , illuminate, Angelical', Seraphical' a.ào- etors:Iefuits,the cnely true followers of the doa`frine, and ex- ample ofiefus, &c.Secondly,in pretended zcale,and dcuotion, whereby they would perfwade, that their reli,ion,is the tnely true religion:all others,which fwarue from it , are clothing but 2 falfe,andfabulous:and this they doe threewaies.P:rfl,:c!'ns,o J ; by pattingGod alwaiies in their nouthes,crying in hypocrifie with the falte prophets, Loral,Lard.,l%/i.atth.7.z 2. 0r asthe!efù- iticall fatfion docileto,/lIaria.Secondl y, 7t9-rtroroyíx,withenti- cing words,confillimtin probable rea(ons,and perfuafiue ar- ys gutnents ,Colofr.2.4.Thirdly,xpaealy(u , with faire and flattc- ringwords,to decciue the heartsof theGrrrple . Rom. 16.r 8. By which three meanes, the fefuites haue preuailcd much in i Princes courts, in there latter daies Apoc. 16. 14. Thirdly, in the glorious outfide of hohnefTe of life and conuerfation, 30 in not (paring the bodge, by whipping of themfclucs, as Baals priefts lanced thenafelues till the blood gufhed out, I. King. 18. 28. in ffri(t fails, canoricall honres, hard fare, ¡ baddc lodging, con rfe apparreli , and filch liie. Laffly, in rare and excellent gifts ofpropheey,ton nes, el.oque:ace, miracles, i 3 &c.And thus they make Pauls,bewofgoa'linefe,z. Tim. ï. to ¿ce +;msnáetrg- be Peter clone fivickedne(je. r , Pet. z. 16. fo that as the Deuili iÌ a .e :.Te.. ,,,..,..4 I with fairewords put Ftse into a roofs paradife , till at length 5 he had drinenher out of the terrcflriail Paradife,andmade. her i '.airs frazard the celefbalt. So, his minify.rs falfe teachers, by J faire ---- - ----`