Al Epijle tothe %alataant. faire and flattering fpeeches, deceiue the minds of the t'Chstì . 61 y+ I and cauâc them to tall from their ovine ftabihtie. ¡ I By this we may fee, how hypocrites and falfe teachers, fluid; efpccialiy vpon outward things, as external! ritesandceremo nits, whicharebrat deaicet anddet!rines ofrnen.Mattlr. i 5.9.The Phariti.s made much adoe about wafhing the outfide of the cuppe, and of theplatter, when as the infide was full ofrapine and all vttcleannes, Matth. 2 3. 25, very curious about wafhing of their hands before meats., f`dlark.7.3. and yet carelefí&e to go wash their heart:, fr6w'tckednes. Icr.4,14. precife in final! mat- ters, as in tything of mint,annife,andcummine; but profane-in the praEtiîe of thewaigb'tier thingsof the law, as iud emcnt, t mercte, and fidelitie. Matto. a 3.23. whited tombes, fairewith- ¡ out,and filthiewithin, y. 27. Thus the Popiíh worfhip confi- e f fketh efpecially inoutward things, whichmay pleafe the fenfes ofcarnall rnen,as in vocal!, and inflrumental Muficke,to pleafe the care: callings andperfumes,to delight the fare!' : guilding andpaintin;,withother fights and fpettacles, toaf%el the eye. And at this day, in the (which theyaccount the very so marrowof their Mattins,)there is nothing, but dumme thews, hiftrionical! geflures , and tricks fitter to niocke apes withal!, then to edifie the people. For whereas in former time they were wont to fay, Let vsgoe bareaL./1( re : now the common faying in 'Italic is this , Let vsgoefee ,s Lillafe. Let vs therefore 5 trie the fpirits before we truit them , and etpeeially in matters of religion, follow Chriíls precept, not to rne/óe by t he opt. wardappearance, Ioh, 7. 24. But to iudge of Prophets , by the fruit of their doctrine, Matth. 7.i 6. and of tilde doarine by the touch- floneoftheword. Ifa. S. 2o. fò that though theDe- 3 9 twill transforme himielfe into an angel oflight ; ray , tlsotigh an angel fromheaven preachany other thing,befidc that we have recciued from Chrif?,we muff hold him accurfed:and in fo do ing we fhal! followChrift his praflife, n'ho roger prudent in the fe:are of the Lord , and didnot indoe 6, the( &ht of Ion: eyes, nor re- ;5 prone by the hearing, ofhie eares. I fa. t 1.3. The fecondnote and marke of there falfc teachers, is , that they corispeltoven to hecirctor. cifid. Theword conap.1i, bath ?teat emphafis, for it fignifieth,that they didnotconuince the iudsr*. {- ment,or perfwade the will,and affeetion of the Galatians hut enforced thema;,ain{t their wills for [trough circurt:ci e i