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the Epzrrle to the Galatians. Chap.6. 6i r ing that which isvnlawfull, becaufe they are perfwadcd in con - fcicnce they ought todoe it ? For if they compel] meta to omit that which they bciceue tobe good,becaufe they know it to be euill,(astheir crone praCtife prooucth,in that theywill not fief- fer Iaroteflants to praypubikkcly in aknowne tongue, or re- ceiue the Sacrament inboth kinds,&c.)whv doe they notcotri- pell them alto , to doe that which they know to be good , though they thinke it to be mill ? I II. The Magifrate is to compeltmen toembrace true religion , or to punifh them for Ito theirobflinacie in not harkening to the word , becaufe he is to vfs the meancsto reclaim them , and to win= them to a loue and likingofthe truth. Now fo longas they arevrgcd to heb?re the word, there is hope theymay be worencagaine: and expe- rience íhewes (as AAHguffinetcflifethofthe Donar:fls)) that they It S whichdid profeffe religion at the firft meerely by coenpulfi- j on,tnayafterwards(by the mercie of God)profcffe it onely for dcuotion. Andwhat thoughfome cone not to 1carne , but to carpe and cauill ? yet God may call the nett:: of his mercie fo farre ouer them , that contrarie to their purpofe , theymay be to caught. I I I I. IftheMagiflrate who may compel! thcrn,and fo reclaimcthem ,.doe fuffer to continue in their et rcurs or heretics, without contralment, he is guiltie of their f r ne but by compelling them,he bath difchargedhis dune: for :Abe- it they beeing compelled, doe difIetnbleand play the hypó. 5 crites, doe be,and forfeare themfelues, that is not the Magi - flrates finne, who intendeth nothing but their conuerfion and faluation, it is their owne proper and perfonall firne. Obier . d I. Men ought to be perfreaded to eristbrac.érehgi on,:,nd induced to hcleeue,bur not compelled: for the t:`ììì can i errs=.aderi 3o not be compelled. Ánj: True it is, thewill cannot becompel. v,a, cd,oLca led ; and as true is it likewife,that the Magiilrate l a,gi. cloth not corn- pelf any to beleeue: for when a man loth bcleeue,and From his heart embrace trite religion, he doth it willingly: notwit i- an ding rrteatres are tobe vfed , to make them willinry,tlsat are vn- 3'> willing, and the méaires is, to compel! them to come to our af- íemblies, to heare the word, and to ]Larne the grounds of true religion: for it is Godscommandement men ilaotild pccne the fpirits, r.Ioh.4. 1. that fothey may know the truth, and cleans vnto it. Anigte,1ine faith fitiv,ancl finely to this. Furpole , ó?a,Iod cnt;E ,4a- decc..pitt.z. Antonvebis videtnr invitesadveritatene non efeccogend rr ®s, earie ` -- Vi no tr ;;rc..