Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

j 614 ? Chap,6. `_---- A C9rosrxentrarie vim, xefjam', Serintto Kegxs virtterem Tei , grri ICJvelentea fruit, dserr cosintsr tr?viti. Secondly, when Papifrs recciue the Sacra- ment, rWeare allcgearce to theii7 Prince , prefcnt thcmiclues in; our congregations : whokcow'es that they doe ticfe thingsa., gairafl their coirfience? ray rather we ought in charitit to y thinke dirt they are perfwaded in corfcicnce they may doe them, %hcn l:;y oath and protcriation they confcffe fc, much. But be it, they did all in hypacrihe,fhali the Executionofgod- ly !awes therefore (cafe , bccattfe hypocriteswill riot obey but in cdiuIimulation ó Otwa.. í1 T The Magi(}rate by comp9.:JingRccufants to the outward profeflionof religion , maketh theta to play. the' hypocrites, to counterf;it,and difl`trnble. 43f The Magi ilrate in executing the 'awes , bath no fuch intent, but onely that they rnigl c i ;tare the word, hcleeue it, and be faued. A- I5 gaine, Protc ant recutants in other countries,are notallowed by Papifts, o alleadge their confcience for their refill-all , but I are compelled- either to confor me thernfclucs , or tovndcrgoe cruel! tortiteras: no more may filch pretence ofconference ex- 'cure the Papif}s, or other hcrerikcs, but that they fhould re- 20 .etiuse the fame meafure which they mete toothers. ï L Neill. Iowcan it be truly laid, that the faifc Apoffles.= compelled men to receive. circurnrcifton, fetingTirrao rat xet compelled to be circurtcif'd? Gal. 2. $ -. 4rf. That place t akcth nothing aga:nft the text in hand : the meaning is, that Paul for gi his part was roadie to haue eircutrtcifcdTitus(as he did Timo- thit,Ael. ;6'. 3.) rather then offend the weakc brethren. But when it carne to this point, that they would rícedes vrl;e cit- cum( tfion, as a thing neceffarie to faluation, Paul rtrhfcd to do it, forall i'.;e j . 'i' G'J"Cthrerr that crept i l,v. }. that is,.ncot with9an 3P din` they laboured by all ?francs to bring it in vieagaine.Nei- tilerdid the Apoill s urge it,or require it, as a thingneed-brie to fa?,a2tion. 1 IL It rill be den:lunded, whether that circumcifion beeinrfovehemcrvly vrgrd by the FalkApoflles,might not ;5 I halt l.ecnr_ r(Cd ?A>, /v. It might.not. Fsrr albeit it be in it Idle a thug indifferent,and iJ it s.killcth not,. whether a man be cir- j cumcized or not as Paul fait ("ixetiftrifrani.r nothing, And Do- ! ttrrnrrciion i.rrothi.?:y'et beewg vrgezi as matter of abfolu.te Ìnecefsitic,as without-which men could not be faved.Atrt, r s, a .it°