Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

.-_4- s.-,.- , the Epd%rle to the GsrP,ctirtzr. aa W p.6. 617 i .it ought not to bevied. The like may be laidof all indiffe- rent things,ifthey be made etTentiall parts of Godsworfhtp,or necefLrie tofaluation; as the vie ofineatcs and drii.kes, olsfi r- uing of times and feafon.s,wearing this or that habit , or attire: 5 forbidding ofmariage to forncorders ofteiE. For when things indifferent are made neceffarie, thenature, of them is changed. Vpon this groundEzekiabbrake in perces the brafeti fcrpcnt, when theIiraeïites began to worfhip it,2.lsing. r 8 4-. Ftrfl,let vs obfèt ue,out oftheir words , !kg compellyon re he' to circeoncifed,that Paul doeth not only vie Chrifliaa pollicie,but dealeth very rhetorically, excufing the Galatians, as thou®h, they were conflrainedagainfl their wills, to doc as they did:& laying all the blameupon the falfe Apoltles:and fa clothdaft- ly alienate their affection from theft: fcducers,who 'ouid hat.: 15 them ctrcumcifed,eithcr by voluntary fubmifliion,or byviolent compulfion:thc like godly polliciewe ought tovie in dealing again;l herctikes , and fal fc teachers, that the peoples mimes may beeflranged frotrathemA take nolotac of their dos.rine, nor likingof their per Ions. so Herewe haue.a fecond note of falfe teachers, *.high is,not onely to rctaínc ceremonies thernfcluer, but to-vrge. them vp -. on others., and conflraine men to the olhferttingof tl em :for they were more earnefl and forward in i"rgrne,circumci(ìon (their owne deuife) then the keeping ofthe mot,all l rvrr:a:4cl s5 fo ere all feducers. The Pharifes did urge their owne cereano- ntes,as wafhtng before meate,wafhingof pontes , cuppes, and beddes,ckc.morethen the commandement orGod. And the Papifis urge the Lent fall more ffritly,thc fi- ling fromFame, which is the onely true fail. h ay. 5. 8.15. And their owne flortes a,.o doe fhewe that men haue beetle more fiuerely pnnifherl, for. 1 eating flefhvpon good friday, then for committingof f mpir fornisation,or following offirange&ill . They fiend morein vrging the outward worshipping of an image , or a peere of bread,thcn the inward fpirituall worth p . And as they haue 35 ,,, made theSaints daics,equal' with the Sabbothdaies,iohaue . they made the prophanationofthem anequal! finne,and haue punished it with quail punifhment. It is further tobe obferued 3 hove they abufe circurnrifion, for whereas by Godsordinance it was but a fesrle ofrhe rsghte- arafoeffecffrei1h.liotn.+.xi.they perverting-the endof it,make-it V uuu. 3. aane-