the Epi e GalatiasrJ. Chap.6. 6t9 and that men were iuffified onely by faith in Chrifl, wanted this pr iuiledgc, and fo were pertecutedof no then more then of the Iewes, either by thernfclnes , or by inccnfing others a, gainft them, t ,Theff.2. I 5,1 6.The falle Apoflles therefore to auoide perfecution,coyncd a newe Gofpetnin matter offaluati- on,ioyning Chriff and Mofes, iuffifìcation by faith , and by workes.So that herewebaue another charaner and make of falfc teachers, which is , to labour by all measles to enjoy the world,and toefchcwe the cro%,and rather then they wil fuf Lo fer perfecution,to make a hotch -potch ofreli ,ion,as we may I fce,not °tidy by this particular,but by the con& ofthehiflo rie of the Church , and in latter times , by the Interimvnder Charles the fift,and the fxe articles ender rlenrie the eight:l y k our mcdiatorsand reconciliators,who either(as it is raid of old 1. Co fli.uar)labour to accord fire and water : or elfe lure hue tiers mixewine and water for their owrie aduantage : and by all neuters and rnungrils inreligion , who honer in the winds,, becaufe theywould (land fore for all affairs , orWinn: the fa. -uour ofgreat men,that they might not Rand in the way oftheir 20 preferment.Thisis the tin:ie of the multitude among vs, who delire to haue Chrifl, burtftey will none of his. crofl'e: they would be withhimvpon mount 7abor,but not not vp6mount Ca/uarie,crowned with glorie,but not crowned withthemes. . Further,we may hencegather an ellentiall difie;epee elftrue as and falle teachers : the one feeke thegoodof the Church, the other feeke thélelues: the one the glorieofGod,theother their owneglorie.It is obferued by Popitlh prieflsend others, that though the Ielitits prctend,they doeall things in or4in ad `fie- urneeyet they intend thernfelues,doingall things in orriine adft. 3o ipfos:itbeeingthemarketheytlmoteatin all their Mac.hiavel Tian ploues and pollicies, that they may haue (write, dieerstateo cisr»s,a Lordly command,and a lafie life . Againe, here we fee that the lone of the tructh, andofthe world,the feare ofthe face of rnan , and the feare of God can 3,5 neuer Rand togcther.Asallo hove dangerous a z:. ..g--it is to be addifled :o the lout ofthe world: for it bath becne alwaits 1 1 theanti of reuolt , in that men neuer imbraced religion fo, pi that they could becontented to fuller perlecution for the pro- fefion ofit,nor lay downe their hues in the maintenance there- of.Matth. t 3.2 t . As feßs<e as tritsrlctior erper f (action cornzwre1 G.;, ii