00 Chap.& ACorottzetagrie tree vir illedhi they Are offereded. Whereas weought tohaue the fame mimic that Paul had,who knowing that bonds and irriptifon men! aboad him , yet paffed not tor thein,neither was his life deare vnto him , Ait. 2,o. 2 3. andwas-mat onelv readie to be bound,but to chealfo,for the name ofthe Lord fetus. WI t .21. ç 1,13.The reafons which fhould makevs willing to take vp our crofre and follow Chrift,are thefe.firft,it is a, -great mercy and fauour of-God , that we are z,ccotinted worthy to fuff.er any thing far hisfake. AEt.5.4 1. The e.oft/es eleprteelfrom the cettnfill;reioycing that '1;17;1247e accounted worthy tofteffer red* it) rhts name.Secondly,it is a meaner (by the merciful!promite ofGod,)to procureandobtaine the biefsings ofthis life. Mar. r o.3o.Thirdlyit bath bleffednes annexed to it, with a promiCe ofafsiffance and helpe of Gods fpirita.Pet.4. r i.Ify: be reiiled onfor thenameofChri,g,gieffewl areye,for thejpirit ofglorie and i 5 ofGodreflethvponyou,which on theirpart it esiillfpoken of,kst ox yourpart isglorifleel.Laftly ;the ende of the crofle , isglorie vn- fpeakable,lfweiiiffi7 withhiete,weAtIl alfi beg/or:F.4114th him. Rom.8.17. Further,whereas Saint Paul linketh together perfecution, ? 2. and the preaching °fate crofre,we may fee that the prorefsion of the Gofpel,andperfecutierrY, doe either goe hand in hand, or doe foli..twoofanother infeperably ifor a/ many41 willlitre zoelly_itoCht:ifirleftm,orte fififer perfeetition.2. Tim.3.1 2. Mofes , is laidto haue cheifin rather to /toiler eyfidlion with the people of 25 God:then to enioy thepleafteres offinnefOr afirafon .lieb.11.21.¡ Where we fee that afflietion is the lotte and portionof the I who is alway nibbling at the 5. And the hatred odly.Thereafon hereof is two. fold.Themalice ofthe Deuil heele, Gen.3.1 of the malignant Church(the deuils (èede)euer maligning the 34, 1Church and people ofGod.Thedeuill makethwane with the remnant ofthe womans feede , which keepe the commande. resent ofGod , and haue the teffinionie oflifirs.Apoc.I 2.17. The malignant Church perfecu,tetlathe Churchof G-od,as we may fee_rtheir typesmannely, inCainehatingand perfecuting 3 f Abchrfa);;I,Ifaac:Efati,Tacob. Which they did arely &mule Itheyfog, theirorneworke,s to he twill, geed their, to begood.]Jell. 1 13. Y 2. And ifit be dernaunded,why thofe that preach theword / i plainely and powerfully to the coofciences ofmen,incuidence .,.ii jofthe fpirit ; are lo extreamely hated andmaligned:: _Ai: Jr is for