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the Epillleto the Galatians, Chap.6. 621 for no other thing, butevenfor theworkerfade, for which they ought t© be reuerenced, t .Theft 5.i 3. andbecaufc theyprophe- cie not goodveto them,buteuill, t.Kingg. 22.8. that is, preachnot pleafinti things,by fowing pillowes order their clbowes, and .5 lulling them afleepe in thebeddeoffecuritìe,but denounce the judgements of God againfl them, andfò difquiet and trouble their guiltie confciences. And what (Ibefecchyou) is the rea- fon why thofe that make confcieneeoffinne,are fomalignedof the wicked world , and branded with the biacke namesofTa- lc) ritans,and Preci/iant,but this,which our Sauiour Chrif giueth, Joint 5. t 9. Becaufe they are not ofthe world, therefore the world hateth them ? Now all this commeth to pafTe, by reafon of that enmitie which God hath put betwixt the woman, and the fcr- pent ; his (cede, andher feede. Gcn.3. t 5. :15 This tcacheth vs, firff,that we fhould fufpeft our felues,that our heartsarc not found,nor our praaife fincere,whcn all men fpeakewell of vs : for trueprofeflion is aiwaicsaccompanied with perfecution. Wes 6e toyore, whenallmerefpeake well of joie. Luk.6.26. 20 Secondly, that we muff not be difcouraged in our pro- fellion, though there be ncuerfomany that make oppoft- tion , or fo nightie that ralle ï rfecuution againíl vs . Though they tellvs as they did Tool, Aft. 28.22. oxcerning this fetii ,we ,grow thatemery where it is f okerr again!1: or take vs t 5 vp with Nicodermes,Ioh.7.52.,Át thou alto o fGaltle ? Parchand look!, for out of Galtle arifeth no `Prophet. In there blafs and formes oftemptatiôs, we ought to make that fàying ofChrif our anker hold, Tleffdis he that itnot offended inmie. Mat. r 1.6. Lafly, that we thinke it not frange when we finde af$ifli- 30 + on, or ;metewithperfecution. i.Pct.4.. t 2, t 3. 13 For theywhichare circunaci- fed,keepe nof theLaw, but delire to 35 haue you circumcifed , that they might glorie in yourflefh. Here the Apofle preuenteth anobieelion , whichmight be madeagainft his former conclufon.v.12.For it might be Paid, Pauldid themwrong in flandering them,tourge circutncifion Xxxx r only 1