622. Chap.6. 4Corraarentarie upon I onel becaufc theywould auoid perfccution,whenas the did it,as zealous obferuers of theLaw. To this heanfwerethnega. tiucly, that whatfhcuerthey didprctend,thcy intended no fuch thing . And he prooueth his former affertion , by two argu- ments, andwithall dcfcribeth the falfe Apofiles by two other ! 5 properties. His fïrfl; rcafon may be framed thus : Ifthey did vrge circurucifion as becing zealous of the Law, and hauing \confcienceofthe obfertuing thereof,thcy would keepeit them- felues, as well as compell others to the keepingof it. But they' keepe it not themfelucs. Therefòte they vrgeit not in confci- I io cncc to haue it obeied , but for Come fnifier ende. The fecond í reafon is this. They that propound no other end to thcmfelues in vrging of circumcifon , but vaunting and boafling in the j flefh : they fceke not the obferuationofthe Law : But there fe- , ducers,vr ecircumcifion, and other ceremonies , that they', 1 ®ight glorie in the flcfh: Therefore they feeke not the ob1cr I uation ofthe law. So that herewe haue two other properties offalte teachers. The f rfl is, toempeil sawn to the obferning cf that, which they willnot o6fertte thct felues. For thus there fedu- cers vrged the ceremonial! law. Refernbling herein the Scribes 20 and Pharifie s, vbc6osandheauie6 rden.I4rrdgrienomto6cborne, andlaid them on mew/1c,lders , whereae they therntelnes would not mootthe.?n with one oftheir fTngers. Matth.23.4,Thc Popes, and Prelates Ofthe Romif hChurch,are notorious in this kind, in vrgingmen to make confcience of that, which they them- 2S (clues will not keepe, to praffife that whichtheyvrill not per- forme, and to belceue that, which they count falfe,and faúu- lous. For firfl, they f}riElly require regular obedience to be performedoftheir nouices,and others, to their generalsor go- uernours, fpecially to the Vicar ofChrifl, and See of Rome ; 3° whereas they will not be fuhiea to the higher powers as they ought, .Roth. i 3.1. nor obedient to getrernours, as it is requi- red, i. Pet. 2. 13, t 4. Nay , their praE2ife is notorious in then foure particulars. Fir!}, in freeing children from obedience to their parents. Secondly , in exempting their fhauclings from 35; fubieetion to thedull! Magiflratc. Thirdly, in freeing fuhieEts from their oath of allegeance to their Soneraignes. And laflly, by aduancing that mars of fin-ne abo ie all thatis called God, or worfhipped, and giuing him power todepofe Priirccs, to di- fpofe of crownes and m kingdoes, an to impofc laves which